Avoid Serial Daters At All Costs
Serial daters (AKA confirmed bachelors) can be fun, charming, witty, and sexy. These men usually have dynamic careers and an extensive social circle, and there are thousands upon thousands of them across the country. They are well educated, and can show beautiful and intelligent women a great time on a date. But are they marriage material? Doubtful.
These men are fun to go out with, but are never going to get married (despite what they may argue). They say they are constantly dating a new woman because they say haven’t found the right one yet that “shares their values.” I’m sorry, but if you’re constantly dating in a city that is overflowing with awesome women and haven’t found one who “shares your values”, then we have a problem.
Here are seven signs that you have a serial dater on your hands:
- He’s over 45, professional, and never been married.
- He claims he wants to settle down, but hasn’t been in a committed relationship in over 2 years.
- After the first few dates, which were fantastic, he simply stops calling rather than formally breaking up.
- He has no problem getting intimate under the sheets, but cannot achieve any psychological intimacy.
- He is married to his job.
- He’s up on trendy bars and restaurants, which means he may be looking for some arm candy to bring to a place that’s meant to see and be seen.
- He’s content to spend weekends by himself or with his male buddies, instead of you.
So, why are these men so dedicated to the bachelor life? Because it’s all that they know! They’ve become accustomed to living alone the way that they want to live. Serial daters are perfectly content to date (and sleep with) a ton of women. Going out with them is a great way to hone your dating skills, but just don’t fall for one because you’re only setting yourself up for heartache.