Allie and Chad: “We both are so thankful 100hookup brought us together!”
I received a message from Chad on a Thursday. That same night we began Instant Messaging for hours. We exchanged phone numbers and talked all day and night that entire weekend. Sunday evening I was leaving work at the hospital when Chad asked me to stop by and say hello since he lived around the corner from the hospital. As soon as I saw him when he came to greet me at my car, I knew he was “The One.” I have never felt that way before.
We began dating, and moved in together one year later. Chad and I have been dating for more than two years and are now engaged. We plan to get married next May. We both are so thankful that 100hookup brought us together!
Allie and Chad
Mount Laurel, New Jersey

I’m a different Chad, but I’m really happy for you guys. Cute photo.
Hey chad congratulations you have found youeself a great partner. Its crazy that one day I look at 100hookup main page and here it is your story with your soon to be wife. Once again congratulations but I thought you were never hookup. JK! Ok bud you take care of yourself and Allie.