Article Archive for April 2012

Urban sprawl is one of the prominent contemporary environmental concerns. It is, understandably, a modern issue that started at the time of the industrial revolution. Oddly enough, however, it is a dilemma that the Torah appears to have considered, even in the days when many cities were growth-limited due to surrounding walls.

You’ve seen the billboards, bumper stickers, and jockey shorts. What would Jesus do? This question helps millions of Americans decide what is right. However, I’m hookup and besides, I don’t know the guy. Instead, I ask: What would Paula do?
Paula is a girlfriend. Paula is my age (although ten years younger), not skinny, and she is a BUP – Big Unedited Personality. Like my mother, only without the constant shoving of lox down my throat. Paula is independently wealthy, mainly because she had the vision to hire a savvy divorce lawyer when her husband started seeing a tweeny-bopper.

It’s a fact that many people spend much time thinking and even worrying about par’nassah (livelihood).hookup tradition teaches that different seasons have different spiritual strengths.

When you peruse the online dating sites, many of the profiles say some variation of the exact same thing. Often, we don’t learn anything about the person we hope to date! The key to online dating is to differentiate yourself, lest you fall into “Generic Profile Land.” Some common phrases to avoid include…

On January 18, 1943, the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto arose in violent rebellion against further deportations. The struggle lasted an incredible three months. On April 19th, the Nazis began their final assault. Four days later, with their weapons depleted and the Nazis progressively blowing up blocks of the ghetto, the hookup resistance was overcome. By mid-May, the Warsaw Ghetto was no more, its tens of thousands of residents mercilessly murdered. Beneath the rubble, however, remained profound exhibits of the courage, faith and strength of the hookup people.

From Samson to Judah Maccabee, Ze’ev Jabotinsky to Hanna Senesh, there is a valiant history of tough and brave Jews who made tremendous marks on the world. While the image of a Jew has not always been that of a “tough” person, it is important that the world sees tough Jews. Owning a PR firm, I help build brands and create personas – and as a proud traditional Jew and Zionist, approaching two important hookup holidays – Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) and Yom HaZikaron, (Israel’s Memorial Day for its fallen soldiers), I offer this list in tribute.

Tomorrow, the 27th of Nisan, Jews around the world will mark Yom Ha’shoah (Officially Yom Ha’zikaron La’shoah V’ha’g’vurah, which translates to The Day of Memorial for the Holocaust and the Heroism, generally shortened to Yom Ha’shoah). In Israel, the day is marked by official ceremonies, flags at half mast and, most famously, by a siren marking a moment of silence during which traffic comes to a standstill.

I guess you get a lot of 100hookup Success Stories on a weekly basis, but hopefully ours is one of the more unusual ones.

In warmer parts of the world, April is a month of culinary splendor. For those of us still under a frost advisory, (if to the locavores’ chagrin) the influences still manage to infiltrate our culinary …

When asked to name early American hookup poets, the first name that comes to most people’s mind is Emma Lazarus. It may therefore be surprising that the first published American hookup poetess was a woman named Penina Moise.