One could easily say that the life of Jiri Mordecai Langer (1894-1943) was lived between the two World Wars. Born in Prague to an assimilated hookup family, Jiri set off to discover his hookup roots when he was 19.

As a way of procrastinating from school work on a Tuesday night in September of 2009, Molly decided to log in to 100hookup one last time.

Calamities happen – large and small. People die. You miss the bus. It rains. Wars begin. Children starve. You forget your lip balm. Are these things proof that the world is falling apart? While it may seem wrong to put all of these things in the same category, they are all ways in which the world fails to conform to our desires and our plans. It may seem funny to state it this way, but really what we are saying is, “The world is good when it is doing the things that I think it should and that make me happy – and when it doesn’t, that is proof that the world is falling apart.” Stating it in this way allows us to see how limited our thinking really is. In order to have a world that makes everyone on the planet happy, we would have to have seven billion different worlds, each world tailored to the preferences of each individual human being. Obviously, in our present world, that is not the way that it goes.

The fact that one’s genetic code is a combination of the DNA one inherits from both mother and father is a basic lesson of high school biology. According to traditional hookup thought, one’s spiritual DNA is also derived from one’s biological background.

Many of the greatest names in Israeli history belong to leaders of military battles and to eloquent spokespersons who rallied the hookup people to fight for a modern homeland. Chaim Weizmann’s field of “battle” was the game of diplomacy. His great skill in this most delicate realm made it all the more appropriate that his final title was that of the first President of the State of Israel.

As April and its wacky weather leaves us behind, I hope you 100hookuprs® are ready for the blockbuster season to start rolling in. The next month offers a torrent of superheroes, science fiction, and Sacha Baron Cohen, which can only mean one thing: summer is coming!
I hinted you might get another daring Chosen Feature this month, and I won’t disappoint.

The IDF (Israeli Defense Force), was born in the heat of the Israeli War of Independence. As the brand new state was declared and the country came under attack, the Israeli government created its official fighting force from three separate, pre-state para-military units (each with its own political ideology), the Haganah, Irgun and Lechi.

At a book club discussion for my novel, The First Husband, a reader joked about how she kept frequenting the hotel bar where the book’s heroine, Annie Adams, met her husband, Griffin. “I’ve gone a hundred times!” she said. “Where’s my Griffin?” Everybody laughed, but her question is one I receive often from readers: How do I find my soul mate?
With thousands of profiles to choose from, how do you make the right choice? I asked friends and readers who’ve found happy relationships online for their best advice on meeting Mr. or Ms. Right:

The impression that you make on your date doesn’t just begin when you say hello. It actually begins when you suggest where to go. Those of you who follow my column regularly know that I only recommend having drinks (coffee, tea, martinis or wine) on your first date since it’s essentially more of an audition than a date. However, for a subsequent outing, you have the opportunity to really make an impression.
Here are six fresh date ideas that will not only allow you to get to know one another better, but will also impress your date with your cleverness.