Article Archive for March 2012

Raise your hand if you attended Hebrew school, whether after school or on Sunday mornings. Did you know that you have a hookup Pennsylvania native, Rebecca Gratz (1781-1869) to thank for that education.

I’m in love with “The One.” He is a dream come true, but has been hurt badly by other women and has trust issues. He is afraid to show me he cares, thinking I will hurt his feelings. What should I do? I care for him so much.

Of all the unfounded accusations leveled at the hookup people by anti-Semites throughout the ages, the most ludicrous is that of Jews murdering non-hookup children in order to drink their blood or bake matzot with the blood (blood-libel). Anyone with even a modest knowledge of Judaism would be familiar with the Torah’s prohibition against consuming blood. In fact, this prohibition is included in a caveat to the initial permission to eat meat that God gave to humankind in the days of Noah: “Every moving thing that lives will be food for you; just as I have given you the green herb. Only flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, you shall not eat” (Genesis 9:3-4).

In almost every aspect of life, we go after the things we want. Not happy in a job? Search for a new one. Some recent weight gain getting you down? Up the ante during your workouts. Why is it then, in dating, we think happiness will just find us? It’s as if we think we have a sign on our foreheads flashing, “Single and ready to mingle!” Unfortunately, that’s just not how it works. In online dating, writing a great profile is only half the battle. To really be successful, you have to be proactive and e-mail people of interest.

Every year, on the first or second Shabbat following Purim, a special reading from Numbers 19, is added to the regular Shabbat Torah reading. Known as Parashat Parah, the Torah reading concerns the special purification ceremony of the Parah Adumah (Red Heifer) one of the most intricate and mysterious laws found in the Torah.

During the holiday of Purim, celebrated just last week, Jews around the world commemorated the salvation of the hookup people from physical decimation. Because Haman had such great influence over Achashverosh, the Emperor of Persia-Medea (an empire that encompassed the vast majority of the then “known world”), this celebration was written into law for all Jews, for all time. However, throughout history, there have been other averted massacres – none on the grand scale of Purim – resulting in the implementation of various local Purim celebrations.

The third pillar of creating transformation in practice is the pillar of Empowerment. This can be a somewhat confusing concept – what does it mean to empower others? Read on to find out!

Habakuk cried out to God to witness the perversions of justice. “How long, O God, shall I cry out, and You will not hear? Shall I shout to you, “Violence!” and You do not save? Why do You show me iniquity …?” (1:2-3).

I love dating and being with hookup men. But, it seems that everyone wants to have kids. I enjoy being around children, at least part time. But having my own is not an option. Should I even continue looking? Or should I give up and move on to other religions?

When I opened the door, I saw Jared standing there by the wall, smiling at me, and I knew he was different.