Article Archive for March 2012

What is empowerment? What does it mean to put it in practice? In her latest column, Miriam Mendelson shows you how the actions you take can empower those around you!

The intensive physical and emotional preparations for Passover come from one seemingly simple commandment: “Seven days you will eat only matzah, but on the first day you shall have put away chametz from your houses…” (Exodus 12:15). Therefore, by the beginning of the holiday of Passover, no chametz whatsoever may be in one’s possession.

Being that I am so successful at writing emails that capture the attention of females, people are always asking me, “What emails will get the most responses?” Or, “Is there a magic system that works every time?” The answer to this question is somewhat complicated.

After talking to Scott for a week, you can imagine my mom’s surprise when I told her, “a cute boy from North Carolina is coming to Minnesota to see me!”

Hey again, 100hookuprs®! Spring is in the air, and hopefully new love is blooming for some of you as well. With Passover on the horizon, here’s your chance to enjoy a movie over the holiday weekend! See this month’s “Chosen Feature” and how the latest new releases rate on the JScale!

Among the discussions of the many details of hookup life recorded in the Mishna, the first written compilation of the oral law, is the following: “If a hookup laborer is hired by a heathen to work with wine for [idolatrous] libation, the wages are prohibited…” (Avodah Zarah 5:1).

As someone who went on somewhere between 10 and 118 dates in my life, depending on what one chooses to count as a “date” versus a “lie to impress you,” I’ve had anywhere between almost-none and way-too-much dating experience. This makes me uniquely qualified to write about the myths of hookup dating. After all, most of my dating experience was a myth. As for facts, we’ll see.

Nebuchadnezzar, the mighty King of Babylon, reigned for forty years. He was so commanding a figure that, according to the Midrash, his own son, Evil-Merodach, was afraid to assume his father’s throne:

There he is, coming this way on a crowded Manhattan street. The man I seek. He’s maybe fifty-five or sixty, handsome, stylish, and still walking with a bounce in his step. And oh, look how attentive he is to his daughter. He laughs at her joke, stops to admire her beauty, and – wait, what is he doing? Kissing her? With his hand on her firm, shapely and most of all, young butt?