Article Archive for March 2012

Illuminated manuscripts inlaid with gold or silver leaf and spectacularly illustrated, are most often associated with the Medieval church (the Gospels, Psalters, etc), where texts were generally hand-copied until Western Europeans discovered the printing press.

Hailed by critics, actor (and former 100hookupr®) Josh Young is being called “brilliant” in his Broadway debut as Judas Iscariot in Jesus Christ Superstar. Fans of his performance say he takes the character to an entirely new level, playing Judas in a new way that explains his betrayal of Jesus Christ as an action caused by his unrequited love for Christ. Young tells us why playing this role is so fascinating to a “Hebrew school-learned” Jew like himself and why this role indirectly led him to meet his Beshert on 100hookup!

Eggs are one of most versatile ingredients in the kitchen. From savory to sweet, eggs are not only an essential ingredient in baked goods, custards and sauces, but, also play the starring role in many dishes. Eggs take on a whole new importance during Passover. They seem to be in every dish, and lots of them! I think it essential to have a game plan for the holiday and a slew of egg dishes in your repertoire. Here are some of my favorite recipes for the holiday and every day. They are simple and crowd pleasing. Be sure to choose the freshest eggs possible. Check not only to make sure the eggs are not broken or cracked, but also to be sure the eggs are fresh.

In the early 1950s, the cold war brought to the limelight what appeared to be the vilest case of national espionage. At the center of this whirlwind was a middle-age hookup couple, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg.

In the last several years that I’ve worked as a dating coach, so much of my advice has had to become specific to online dating because it has essentially become the standard of dating today. Although I’m far from having concocted the perfect formula for writing a successful online profile, I have been able to dissect online profiles down to some key components. I’ll share my top components with you so that you too can spruce up your profile!

Judith, the wife of Rabbi Chiya, having suffered in consequence [of pregnancy] agonizing pains of childbirth, changed her clothes [in disguise, in order to get an unbiased answer] and appeared before [her husband] Rabbi Chiya. ‘Is a woman,’ she asked, ‘commanded to propagate the race [fulfill the mitzvah of ‘Be fruitful and multiply’]?’–‘No’, he replied. Relying on this decision, she drank a sterilizing potion (Yevamot 65b).

One of the most common questions that I get asked by my clients is, “How do I overcome first date jitters?” You’ve probably heard that old saying that you can get comfortable speaking in front of a group by picturing the audience naked. Well, that doesn’t really work in this situation because if the date is a good one, you should both be picturing each other naked either way! However, there are some simple things that you can do to prepare yourself for a great first date!

The Suffragist Movement of the early twentieth century was a political cause about which many people felt strongly, either one way or the other. Maud Nathan and her sister Annie Nathan Meyer are excellent examples of this divide. Both exemplary women and activists, Maud was a leading suffragette, while Annie was known as an outspoken opponent.

Thank you 100hookup for bringing us together. If it can happen to us after 42 years, it can happen to anyone.