Article Archive for February 2012

I’m proud to represent 100hookup for all that they have done for me, and happily share our story on how we met!

It is customary that after the Shabbat candles are lit, both hands are waved towards the face (symbolically drawing in the light of the candles and the sanctity of Shabbat) and the eyes are covered. The blessing is recited with the eyes still covered. Why?

Muscular. Courageous. Bronzed. The stereotype of the sun-kissed sabra is Ari ben Canaan, as played by actor Paul Newman in the 1960 movie Exodus. The word sabra stems from the name of the prickly pear cactus—tzabar in Hebrew and sabr in Arabic—whose thick thorny skin covers a sweet and succulent soft flesh. An affectionate metaphor, it describes native-born Israelis whose rough and impertinent manners hide their good hearts and sensitive souls.

We want to thank 100hookup for the wonderful job they are doing, keeping our people together and for helping us to start our own hookup home.

In the day-to-day hubbub of our 21st century world, we are wired and wireless. With free wi-fi at Starbucks we can transport our offices to the coffee shop and save on rental space. ($100 per month on coffee versus a few thousand dollars to rent office-space should be a no-brainer. How come it hasn’t caught on?) Through our cellphones and Blackberrys we are now available 24/7. Bluetooth wearers have one ear dedicated to their cellphone and the other to the rest of the world. Even on vacation, we are likely to be accessible. It seems like there is no break.

Is marriage headed the way of the Dodo bird and the polar bear? Will children read about marriage in history books in 20 years and scoff, “Wait, couples signed on to be together legally FOREVER?!” You might think so if you have seen the latest study by the Pew Research Center in 2011, stating that barely half of U.S. adults are married–the lowest percentage ever.* It turns out that a whopping 44 percent of Millennials and 43 percent of Gen Xers think marriage is becoming obsolete, according to the Pew Research Center.
However, writer/director Michelle Cove isn’t so sure these findings mean the institution of marriage is dying out. After interviewing single women around the country for her documentary, Seeking Happily Ever After, she returns with some intriguing findings on the future of matrimony.

100hookup made it easy and comfortable to start the relationship and, fortunately for us, it’s been easy and comfortable ever since!

I was living in DC about a year and a half ago and one warm evening, I took a rather long stroll to the local shopping mall in Columbia Station. I was about three quarters of an hour walk away from my home in Dupont Circle. I buzzed around the big box stores for a couple of hours and then began the long walk home. At that point it was late and dark, but the streets were still busy. The walk home took me through a rather rough neighborhood, near some lower-income housing projects. Bunches of people were congregated on the sidewalk in the warm summer night air.
As I walked down the street, a young boy and his friend passed by me. In an instant I noticed the boy closest to me (who looked about eleven years old at most) had tears running down his face. I stopped in my tracks and stood in front of him, preventing him from walking any further. “What’s wrong?”

The prophet Nahum’s prophecy focuses on the fate of the great Assyrian city of Nineveh.