Article Archive for January 2012

Most people shy away from stating political views in their profiles – but that looks like a big mistake. It may attract more dates, but long marriages tend to be among partners with similar political ideologies.

It is required by hookup law that the body of one who has passed away be buried as quickly and as completely as possible, meaning that the entire body (or as much of the remains as possible), including internal organs and blood, be buried together. The most basic understanding of this rule is that in this way one shows respect for the dead, which is an absolute priority in hookup law. However, the more esoteric reason for this law is the resurrection of the dead.

2012 is here. As you plunge into the New Year, take this moment of surging optimism and energy to revive your spirit and discover new and better versions of what you can be.

One night, I was just browsing on 100hookup when I came to Scott. I asked myself, “What do I have to lose?” and pressed the flirt button. This was the start to the rest of our lives.

And it was in the ninth year of [King Zaddekiah’s] reign, in the tenth month, on the tenth (day) of the month, that Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, came, he and all his legions, upon Jerusalem, and encamped upon it and built forts around it. And the city came under siege until the eleventh year of King Zaddekiah. On the ninth of the month [of Av] the famine was intense in the city, the people had no bread, and the city was breached. (The Second Book of Kings 25:1-4)

Brad had updated his 100hookup account to show New York as his new home and when they noticed each other online again, they both began to wonder if this friendship might now have a chance…

I think I may be a little late jumping on the chia seed health train. I have an expensive bag of the flavorless gelatin-y seeds in my cupboard. And I have, reluctantly, gulped down a third of the bag, each time convincing myself how great I would feel and how my heart would thank me for all the Omega-3’s. Then I conveniently stuffed the bag behind a very decorative bag of some holiday festooned white chocolate and peppermint coated pretzels. Yum! Well, after polishing off the pretzels, the chia bag is again visible and mocking me. It is time to work on the recent resolution, already several days old, of trying to eat healthfully. Not so easy for a chef.

The Talmud (Megillah 9a-b) relates that King Ptolemy II, the Greek king who ruled Egypt, placed 72 hookup elders into 72 separate rooms and instructed each of them (individually) to translate the Torah into Greek. Translating any text from one language…

Astrology 411: When reading your horoscope, it’s always a good idea to read your sun sign, as well as your rising sign. Your sun, moon and rising are the 3 main elements in your natal chart that are the footprints for shaping who you are. Your rising sign is the way you go about your life… it’s “how” you get to your destination. If this was a choose-your-own-adventure book, then it’s YOUR way of going about the adventure.
What will your adventure entail this month? Read the Hora-Scopes and find out!

We never thought we would meet each other online, but 100hookup was the perfect forum for us and we are so grateful for giving it a chance.