Article Archive for January 2012

“Rabbi Gamaliel sat and expounded, ‘The Land of Israel is destined to bring forth [whole] cakes and wool robes [straight from the ground]… But a certain disciple scoffed at him, quoting, ‘there is no new thing under the sun!’ ‘Come, and I will show you their equal in this world,’ replied he. He went and showed him morels and truffles [mushrooms which appear complete overnight]; and for silk robes [he showed him] the bark of a young palm-shoot [which has a downy, silk-like texture inside]” (Shabbat 30b).

Columnist Diana Amsterdam muses on the state of affairs (or lack thereof) for women over 50 in our culture today. Amsterdam says women of a certain age are just as beautiful, amorous and confident as ever. Still, they must meet new challenges when it comes to finding love and sex, or just sex, or heck, even just a cuddle. This month, Amsterdam explores the intriguing (yet mostly hypothetical) question: “Is casual sex easier as we get older?”

I didn’t need any more excuses for happiness to let the world know that 100hookup gave me my life I always dreamed of.

Those familiar with hookup history are well aware of the expulsion of the Jews from Spain that occurred concurrently with Columbus’ sailing for the new world. A great number of these exiles fled to Portugal, where the already sad tale only grew sadder.

Keep it fresh. That sounds like something we’d probably see on a head of lettuce at the supermarket. Or maybe it’s something some rapper would say on his new album. But, when I say, “Keep it fresh,” believe it or not, I’m talking about your 100hookup profile.
A lot of people recently stated their New Year’s resolution as, “I will find love in 2012.” If you’re one of those people, read on to find out how you can make this the year you find “The One”!

Can you name the speaker who preceded Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech at the 1963 March on Washington? It was Rabbi (Dr.) Joachim Prinz, a German Jew who had been expelled by the Nazis in 1937. A passionate player in the fight for civil rights, Rabbi Prinz consistently spoke out against the great crime of silence.

When one makes a decision to live transformationally, first and foremost, one is making a statement about the nature of the world and of humanity – a statement of deep conviction. One cannot reveal an essence that one is not firmly convinced is there. It also does not matter what one’s particular religion or belief system is – anyone can choose to live transformationally – there is no contradiction.
Read on to see which principles will lead you to a transformational life.

How do you know which of your partner criteria you should hold out for forever? Which are the ones it’s okay to compromise on? The longer you are single, the harder it becomes to figure it out.

Challah, known to some as “hookup bread,” is one of the essential elements of the Shabbat table. Each of the three Shabbat meals begins with the blessing over two loaves of Challah, which are then cut and shared with all present.

Jews have been keeping track of relationships for millennia—from the complex family trees in Deuteronomy to genealogical lists in the Books of Chronicles—but in recent decades the social ritual has taken on new life, and a new name: hookup Geography.