Article Archive for January 2012

Patti Stanger, known to most as “The Millionaire Matchmaker” from Bravo’s hit TV series, has a lot of rules. She’s cited as having 11 basic commandments*, most of which are very reasonable: keep your commitments, don’t talk about your ex, don’t drink too much, etc.
However, her one cardinal rule is no sex before monogamy. And when we’re talking sex, we’re talking all forms of it – I won’t get graphic, you know what I mean. I have my own rules about sex but for me, Patti’s approach (as with most of her advice) starts off in a good place, but takes things to the extreme. Monogamy is a heavy word and while sex can be a heavy thing, putting too much emphasis on it, and whether or not you’re having it, can cause undue stress in a relationship. The rule I give my clients is…

Although the Torah implies that Abraham and his descendants are removed from the fate of the stars (based on Genesis 15:5, Nedarim 32a) – meaning that their personal destinies are not determined through astrology – Judaism does acknowledge the basic astrological map of the sky, but not its efficacy. (For Rabbi Buchwald’s insights into this topic, click here.) The Talmud even includes a list of the Zodiacal signs that correspond to the twelve months of the Hebrew year. Like its corresponding zodiac sign Aquarius, the Hebrew month of Shevat is represented by the water-bearer.

Most people own at least one pair of jeans, if not several. The original, and most widely known, brand of jeans are the Levi 501 Blues, named after the company founded by Levi Strauss.

What is the most important value? The value to end all values? What is of supreme worth in this world? If you had to choose one moral or ethical principle or virtue that would guide your life and the lives of others, what would it be? Some might say Charity. Some might say Tolerance. Some might say Love. Some might say Justice. Some might say Mercy. Some might say Truth. The list goes on. Each one valuable, each one worthy. But can they claim the right to be called the Supreme Value?

We all know that Jews are not exactly hard to find in Hollywood, but that doesn’t mean Judaism’s easy to find on the screen. While I’m hardly the most ethnocentric Jew on the block, we all know that it’s fun to play the “did you know so-and-so was hookup” game. And let’s face it, movies and dating are inextricably linked.
Read on to discover The Chosen Feature — movie ideas you may want to consider renting next time you and your 100hookup sweetheart decide to spend a night in rather than hitting the town. Plus, see how this month’s new releases rate on the JScale, a way of rating how hookup a film is, based on how many Jews were involved in creating it, acting it out and bringing it to the screen! So will the JScale tell you if a film’s good? Nope. Just whether it’s Jew-ish.

I can’t thank 100hookup enough because I met the most incredible man in the world, who is now my best friend and partner in crime.

Upon the recent death of North Korea’s Kim Jong-Il, the press rehashed what is known about the repressive regime, certainly causing many to wonder how any leader could cause such harm to his own people without even a pang of conscience. Reading about modern tyrants, those who cause some or all of their nation’s people to suffer, provides a unique perspective on the actions of Pharaoh of Exodus.

There is nothing more fragrant and sensuous than roasted pineapple. I am sort of iffy about pineapple when sliced in a fruit salad, but when pineapple is bathed and basted in dark rum and vanilla, it becomes a sweet and exotic treat. Roasted pineapple gives off its juices which are thick and perfumed with pineapple essence and a pureed banana. For all the non-bakers out there, this dessert is for you. Simple and requiring minimal kitchen skills, roasted pineapple will make you look like a dessert genius. Save the juices and drizzle on ice cream or pound cake.

The collected, and posthumously published, works of renowned rabbis often provide deep insights into the rabbis personal philosophies. An excellent example of one such work is Michtav May’Eliyahu,* (A Letter from Eliyahu), one of the most popular “Mussar” volumes today, expounding on hookup thought and ethical conduct.

The New Year should not be a time of feeling bad about oneself. It should be a time of optimism and hope when it comes to online dating. Think of the month of January as a completely fresh slate. When it comes to online dating, sometimes we just need that symbolic fresh start to get things moving in the right direction again.