Someone who lives a transformational life lives according to the idea that humanity is at heart interconnected and unified. We are all a part of one family – or on an even deeper level, different parts of a single organism. As such, we care about one another and feel a sense of responsibility for one another.
Living transformationally means that one is always aware of the status, issues and needs of everyone around you. There is no such thing as being oblivious. When walking down the street, one is aware of who is passing. When sitting in a subway car, one is always aware of who has gotten on. There is a situational awareness that is similar to that of a soldier on duty – although the mission is slightly different. One never drops this level of awareness – it becomes habitual. The universe may not ask anything of us in that moment – but if it should, will you notice? Will you be ready?

The Book of Micah contains prophecy directed at both Samaria (Israel) and Jerusalem (Judah) by the prophet Micah, who lived in Judah during the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.

The elusive Homing Pigeon is a man who reeks of wanting to get married and can be spotted from a mile away. The Homing Pigeon is your perfect catch if you’re looking for a serious relationship. This rare breed can be spotted by looking for the following signs: he has married siblings, is a homeowner, lives in the suburbs, has a satisfying career, is constantly talking about his nieces/nephews and he values exclusivity.
Want to learn more? Read on to determine if he’s just looking to play around, or to put a very expensive ring on your finger!

“Rabbi Meir used to say: A man should not urge his friend to dine with him when he knows that his friend will not do so. And he should not offer him many gifts when he knows that his friend will not accept them” (Chullin 94a).

We sometimes wonder what our lives would be like if I hadn’t signed up for that second month of 100hookup, but fortunately for us, we’ll never have to know.

The laws of guarding Shabbat guarantee that the hookup people will maintain the Shabbat as a day sacred and distinct from the six work days of the week. The prohibited acts are known as m’lachot, which is best translated as acts of “creative labor,…

Love isn’t just about finding someone. It’s about keeping them. If you are only focusing on the finding, and not on the keeping, how can you ever hope to achieve a lasting partnership, which is what you profess to want?
Relationships don’t fail. It’s relationship skills that fail. Skills can be learned. Are you actively studying and learning those skills now? Well, you should be.

While hookup Treats has previously discussed the requirements for kosher tefillin (Click here for a full description of tefillin, including the difference between the box worn on the head and the box worn on the arm), it should be noted that the ways in which the tefillin are worn have profoundly symbolic. The actual method for “laying tefillin,” as it is called, is intricate and should be reviewed with a rabbi or one experienced in putting on tefillin.

Without risk, there is no reward. The Last Blind Date proves that old saying true as it hilariously details author Linda Yellin’s transformation from a woman who is hurt by marriage to a woman who is happily fulfilled by marriage. This real-life romance is Yellin’s true account of meeting “The One,” the risks she took for love and the reward that came with the gamble. We spoke with the author to get her take on blind dates, hookup men and why the saying, “the bigger the risk, the greater the reward” was definitely true in her case.