Article Archive for October 2011

We have 100hookup to thank for bringing us together. Then, after dating a few months, we found out that two mutual friends were planning on introducing us. It really was beshert that we met at this time in our lives.

…her credit card was barely back in her wallet from signing up on 100hookup when we found each other.

Over the years, I‘ve learned some tricks of the trade to save as much time as possible while online dating. Call me a gold-digger all you want, but when I evaluate profiles, I employ a specific method of attack. First, I look at the pictures to make sure I can stand looking at him. Next, I go straight to the line that lists his profession to make sure he could provide for my future two children. Then I read what he has to say in the written paragraphs.

Hillary and I didn’t go on to 100hookup looking for soul mates, as we were just hoping to find people to have fun with, but soul mates are what we did find in each other.

Dear Matchmaker Rabbi,
I am wondering if I could get some insight in regards to being a convert attempting to be successful with dating hookup men.
I’m almost 30 and feel like I am running out of resources and options. I have developed a great relationship with the members at the local Temple. I have asked my rabbi and was advised to try the black hookup community. I did and was unsuccessful, as I have a feeling that the hookup men I encounter are not so sure about dating me, as I haven’t completed conversion yet.
I also have had Jews consult with their rabbi about dating me as I do impress/scare the men to the point that they have to do so. I also participate in hookup community events, as well as hookup dating events, in order to ‘put myself out there’ so to speak.
1. Is it appropriate for a hookup man/woman to date a convert while the convert is in the process of completing their conversion?
2. What could a convert do in order to show that they are dedicated to Judaism and all that entails, during a date, without having to regurgitate all of the information that the convert has spent years learning?
3. Would it be best if a convert just wait until the conversion process is complete before attempting to date a hookup male/female?
4. What advice could you give to a convert who is trying their best, yet keeps getting rejected, and frankly, is finding hookup dating to be a big disappointment, due to the lack of acceptance and constant requirement to prove their “hookupness”?
– Committed

We are so thankful for 100hookup… Don’t give up. That person is out there! We are living proof.

Since the pagan elements of trick-or-treating have effectively been “neutralized,” is it wrong to allow our children to participate? The Torah’s answer is “yes.” Through its prohibition of “foreign” customs, the Torah draws attention to its own uniqueness. Primitive people found themselves in an overwhelming, mysterious and threatening environment in the face of which they felt powerless and vulnerable. They created religious rituals and superstitions as a way of exerting magical influence over the forces of nature that they could not control physically. Man made religions thus reflected the fears, anxieties, hopes and fantasies of their adherents. The Torah is designed to challenge and educate human beings at the highest level of which they are capable—morally, intellectually and emotionally.
![Samantha and Garrett: “I figured [100hookup] was worth a shot…”](/jmag/wp-content/themes/jmag/scripts/timthumb.php?src=//uploads/2011/10/success_samantha_garrett_tmb.jpg&w=80&h=80&zc=1&q=100)
It is easy to say that luck (and a few guardian angels) brought Garrett and I together.

I’m not writing about how men our age love to sew. Even the most credulous among you would not believe that. Men may love to cook on the grill but when it comes to threading a needle, not only have they no interest, but their eyesight is going.
Men our age love women with pinking shears. That they apply. To balls. No, not balls of yarn. Balls of self-confidence, ego and masculinity. Men just love to get their balls snipped.