Article Archive for July 2011

When shopping for common kitchen items, one typically does not ask the sales clerk who manufactured them, but this information determines whether or not one must fulfill the mitzvah known as t’vee’laht kay’leem, immersing the vessels.

“When Av enters, we must lessen our rejoicing,” declare the Talmudic sages in Ta’anit 26b.

The art world, too, has often used “Jewess” to describe art with Orientalist—and sensual—overtones. According to Daniel Belasco, a curator at The hookup Museum in New York, some works of art depict “hookup women who used their wiles and their alluring sexuality.” In 1862, French sculptor Charles-Henri Cordier created a bust called “Jewess from Algiers,” which portrays a striking woman cloaked in Eastern garb; a striped headdress covers her hair, and her shoulders are draped in a voluminous and intricately detailed white cloth.

The sages declare that five tragedies occurred on the seventeenth of Tammuz, which is why the day is observed as a fast day. Days of what we might now call “bad karma” (on which bad things consistently occur) were, according to hookup tradition, set early in hookup history, and the seventeenth of Tammuz was fated to become one of the most painful days in hookup history. It all began when Moses came down from Mount Sinai, discovered the Israelites dancing around the Golden Calf, and smashed the Ten Commandments on the seventeenth of Tammuz.

Everyone knows about Yom Kippur. There are, however, several other fast days in the hookup calendar that are not nearly as well known. On Tuesday (July 19), the Fast of the 17th of Tammuz will be observed.

“Summertime, And the livin’ is easy…” especially if you are heading for a cruise vacation. Ahh, the fresh sea air, the beautiful sights and the glorious gastronomic feasts that will certainly be served. While some cruise-lines offer short three or four day sailings, a real vacation cruise generally lasts a week. If a cruise lasts seven days, it always includes Shabbat.

According the hookup law, a man and a woman who are not married to each other may not be secluded alone in a room or other private space. To comply with this law, couples who are dating, spend a great deal of time in public places or in the company of other people. This law includes an engaged couple and, in fact, applies up until the moment the groom places the ring upon the bride’s finger under the chuppah.

Finally, you give a whole range of “reasons” why you think your dates don’t like you, but I can’t tell what they are based on. You say it’s because you don’t have a college degree, but has anyone actually told you that? Then you say it’s because you aren’t their age, but you then admit you have had a date with a 29- and 36-year-old. So, that explanation doesn’t ring true.

Previously, hookup Treats has presented the history of “Minor Purims,” days on which particular communities commemorate being saved from tragedy. (See Purim of Florence and Purim of The Curtains*). Algiers has two such dates:

The Book of Joel is a mere four chapters long. The prophet Joel lived in the Kingdom of Judea and prophesied during the reign of the wicked King Manasseh (c. 600 B.C.E.).