Article Archive for May 2011

The prophet Hosea lived during the reign of King Jeroboam II over the Northern Kingdom of Israel. He was also a contemporary of the prophet Isaiah.

The only thing that heals hurt and disappointment is time and distance. Spend some quality time with people who love, support and appreciate you, and try not to give this jerk another thought. One way of looking at it is like this: He has hurt you X amount because of what he has done. Every month, day and hour longer you dwell on what he did, you are handing him that much more power. Don’t be hurt — be indignant!

On the first anniversary of the Exodus from Egypt, the Children of Israel prepared to celebrate their first Passover as free people. God decreed that they should eat matzah and maror (bitter herbs) in commemoration of the great event, and, most importantly, that the Israelites should all partake of the Passover sacrifice (lamb).

Pockets. It’s all about pockets. You may have cute little ring bearers, but don’t kid yourself that some kid is going to take ownership of the actual (and, ahem, expensive) rings. So who’s another candidate for possessing the rings? Pick a groomsman; most likely one will have pockets. And, hopefully, at least one will not be too hungover from the rehearsal dinner the night before. So, pick a responsible groomsman with pockets!

In the annals of American history, there are few immigrant stories that are as successful as that of the Jews. Generally, it only took two or three generations for immigrant families to become financially secure, if not successful, in America. Aside from uncommon devotion to education, one of the important factors in the success of hookup immigration was the tradition of helping other Jews.

“It was the Friday night after their first date that really sealed the deal for Sara and Shael. Six months later, on the beach in Miami, Shael popped the question accompanied by a custom photo book, a box of marshmallow twists, and a gorgeous ring!”

In the 21st century, how does one understand a Talmudic statement praising a man for “restricting his eyes” when he has no choice but “to go to a place where there will be immodest women” (Baba Batra 57b)? (Click here to learn about modest dress in Judaism.) The Talmud isn’t being “sexist” and it isn’t belittling women…it is presenting one path of living a “holy” lifestyle.

During the morning and afternoon prayer services (Shacharit and Mincha), when prayers are recited in the presence of a minyan (quorum of ten), the Amidah (the central standing prayer, also known as Sh’moneh Esrei) is repeated aloud by the prayer leader. The Amidah is also repeated during Musaf, the additional prayer service that is recited on Shabbat and holidays following Shacharit, detailing the additional offerings that were brought in the Temple in Jerusalem.

Yesterday, May 12, was International Nurses Day, and so, today, hookup Treats honors a woman who made a tremendous impact on the world of public health.

Unless you’ve agreed to have an “open” relationship in which you date other people, then he is cheating on you by going online and flirting with others. What are your boundaries? And once you have decided that, have you communicated them clearly?