Article Archive for May 2011

Once you get the hang of homemade jams, you can riff on the basic recipe. Add some rhubarb for a tangy addition. Add peppercorns and hot peppers for a piquant version for savory items. Easy to do and nothing tastes better than homemade! I do not use pectin in this jam. The sugar will help thicken the jam as will cooking the moisture out of the berries.

It may seem surprising that the Talmud quotes a sage named Rabbi Ishmael. Biblically, Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar, is portrayed as a wild trouble-maker sent away from Abraham’s home.

Who can say if this will be become a romantic love match? The fact you are so far apart geographically makes it unlikely. It’s very hard for any long-term relationship to happen with geography like that, simply because you can’t spend day-to-day time together. BUT there are certainly plenty of people who have united their distant stars with smashing success, so never say never.

The Talmud (Shabbat 31a) relates the strange story of a non-hookup man who wished to convert to Judaism in order to ultimately become the High Priest of Israel.

As a professional matchmaker of 21 years, trust me, I’ve seen and heard it all! The most common complaint that I hear from my clients (men) is that women lie about their weight and age. One of the worst things you can do ladies! Men fall in love through their eyes, and if you show up to a date weighing 20 pounds heavier than your picture…well, I’m sure you know the end result! If you expect realistic results, then you need to do the same.

“She is the best person I’ve ever known, and I’d say that even if I didn’t love her; I not only love her, I admire her.”

Benjamin Disraeli has been called the first (and only) hookup Prime Minister of England. The truth of this claim is…complicated. According to hookup law, he was hookup. His political detractors never hesitated to bring up his hookup background. But at the age of 13–at the behest of his father Isaac, who had had a falling out with the Bevis Marks synagogue (the main Sephardi synagogue in London)–Benjamin Disraeli was baptized. He remained a member of the Anglican church for the rest of his life.

The period of mourning* (for the 24,000 students of Rabbi Akiva who died of plague) associated with Sefirat Ha’omer ends on the 33rd day of the Omer, a day known as Lag Ba’omer. In Hebrew, every letter has a numerical value. ”Lamed” equals 30, and “Gimmel” equals 3, thus Lag (spelled “Lamed Gimmel”) Ba’omer, literally means 33 (days) in the Omer.

This sprightly flavored snack, hors d’ oeuvre or light meal is a delicious springtime treat. Fresh peas and Fava beans with mint are sweet. Paired with ricotta cheese and mint on grilled bread and you have got yourself a slice of heaven. Easy to make and can be served warm or at room temperature, the Bruschetta is gorgeous and just screams SPRING!