Chocolate Macaroons
Sophisticated and simple, these macaroons are easy and delicious. You can fill them with chocolate ganache and give them as a stylish Shelach Manot (gifts of food for Purim). Keep the recipe for Passover because these trendy treats are perfect for the holiday.
1 1/3 cups almond flour
2 cups +2 tablespoons powdered sugar
¼ cup cocoa powder (I only use Valrhona)
½ cup egg whites, at room temperature
Yields-24 macaroons
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Stack another baking sheet under the lined one for more insulation (this keeps the bottom of the macaroons from over browning)
Fit the pastry bag with a ½ inch plain tip
Preheat oven to 425
- Sift the almond flour with the powdered sugar and cocoa powder and set aside.
- Whip the egg whites until they are firm but still glossy. Do not over whip.
- Fold the dry ingredients gently into the whites in three additions. Transfer the batter to a pastry bag. “Glue” the parchment paper down on each corner with a small amount of batter. This will prevent the parchment paper from blowing onto the macaroons and sticking to them.
- Pipe the batter into 1-inch rounds. Before baking the macaroons, rap the baking sheets sharply against the counter. This will remove the air from the cookies and keep them from puffing up too much.
- Place the macaroons into the preheated oven. Immediately turn down the oven to 350. Bake for 10 minutes or until the macaroons are firm to the touch.
- Remove the bottom baking sheet, place the sheet with the macaroons on a cooling rack, turn the oven back up to 425 and you can now reload another baking sheet and double stack it on the one you just removed.
- When the macaroons are cool enough to handle, remove them from the baking sheet and transfer them to the cooling rack.
Chocolate Ganache
6 ounces of bittersweet chocolate, chopped (I use Callebaut)
1 cup heavy whipping cream
2 teaspoons butter
- Place the chopped chocolate in a small mixing bowl.
- Heat the cream over medium until it is barely simmering. Pour the cream over the chocolate and allow it to sit for 5 minutes.
- Stir together until the mixture is smooth, add the butter and stir into the mixture.
- Cover the ganache on the surface with plastic wrap and allow it to thicken as it cools at room temperature.
- To fill the macaroons, scoop a small amount of ganache and spread it over one macaroon on the flat side and sandwich together.
- To make truffles, refrigerate the ganache overnight. Scoop with a teaspoon and roll between your hands. Roll the truffle in melted chocolate of cocoa powder and serve at room temperature.