Article Archive for March 2011

If you enjoy television medical dramas, then you probably have certain pre-conceived notions about doctors. After all, we see the doctors on television far more often than we see our own medical practitioners. It is interesting, then, how many television doctors, like the currently popular Dr. House, often appear to have what people call a “God complex.”

“My job is my life.” Sound familiar? So how do you handle the fact that the workplace is a less friendly place for singles? Take a minute to consider these facts: More than 25% of Americans work for an employer that offers family and domestic partner benefits; 51% percent of Fortune 500 companies offer family and domestic partner health benefits, as do 80% of the Fortune 50. (Human Rights Campaign. “State of the Workplace”: 2006).

Common wisdom, and often specific regulations, discourage doctors from diagnosing or healing their own close family members. In such cases, the necessary objectivity is often missing.

World domination, war-mongering and brainwashing through psychoanalysis; it’s all in a day’s work for Jews, who have long been the subjects of conspiracy theories and vicious rumors. Here are eight of the most persistent and pernicious.

The nickname “Two-Gun” evokes images of a rough-shaven cowboy in the Wild West. Actually, the nickname belonged to one Morris “Moishe” Cohen.

This decadent version of the Italian classic is a perfect first course or main dish. I like to serve it garnished with big shards of Parmigiano-Reggiano. The tangy lemon and salty cheese combine to create a big “wow” flavor and the mascarpone cheese puts this creamy decadent dish over the top.

Every year, on the Shabbat following Purim, a special reading from Numbers 19, is added to the regular Shabbat Torah reading. Known as Parashat Parah, the Torah reading concerns the special purification ceremony of the Parah Adumah (Red Heifer) one of the most intricate and mysterious laws found in the Torah.

“After sharing our background history, including some interesting stories of 100hookups gone awry, we both realized quickly that this was not just another chance encounter.”