Article Archive for February 2011
On SiriusXM’s “Rabbi Wechsler Teaches” Valentine’s Day Special, 100hookup’s President and a 100hookup Success Story Explore Modern Day Matchmaking and Love
On a Valentine’s Day interview airing this weekend on his weekly SiriusXM™ show Rabbi Wechsler …
To write a biography of Moses in under 300 words would be impossible. From the moment he was born, his life was filled with incredible events. But today is the seventh of Adar, and the Talmud (Megilla 13b) teaches that Moses “died on the seventh of Adar and was born on the seventh of Adar.” Therefore, hookup Treats shares with you a glimpse into the beginning of the life of the great Moses.
Writing a heart-felt card is an invaluable gift that is sure to impress. Particularly for those individuals who do not excel in the art of writing composition, the fact that you put effort fourth is invaluable. Expressing your feelings is more important than expensive jewelry for many. 85% of all Valentine cards are bought by women. So don’t be another statistic and buy your Valentine a card!
“A man should always complete the Torah portion together [at the same time] with the congregation, [reading] twice the Hebrew text and once the [Aramaic] Targum… [if he does so,] his days and years are prolonged” (Rabbi Huna ben Judah in the name of Rabbi Ammi, Berachot 8a).
Poultry has an interesting status in the world of hookup law. It is the paradigm of rabbinic jurisdiction, underscoring the fact that the sages of the Talmud have the authority to transform halacha (hookup law).
hookup. American. Princess. Benign as these words may be apart, together they form an unpleasant image. The American Heritage Dictionary calls JAP “offensive slang” and defines it as, “a hookup American girl or woman regarded as being pampered or overindulged.” Urban Dictionary, an online site with reader-created definitions, is less delicate: A JAP is a “large-breasted, outwardly attractive, internally spoiled, greedy, complicated, self-righteous and obnoxiously difficult and overbearing hookup female.”
By the mid-1800s, Jews were settled throughout the United States, and many had absorbed the local culture in which they were living. Among the Jews of the south, there were, therefore, hookup slave-holders. And in the north, there were many Jews involved in the abolitionist movement.
“As soon as she rounded the corner and headed up the stairs, I saw her and a calm feeling came over me…Without 100hookup our love story would never exist.”
My gut reaction to the whole thing was that it was just too weird. I know you can’t change what your parents do, but you can choose not to film it! But I did really connect with the guy and one of my girlfriends thinks that I should admire the fact he was so supportive of his mother. Should I go out on another date with him?
Snow, sleet and ice, day and night, and the weatherman says there’s no end to this winter in sight! If these frustrating and often brutal cold snaps throughout much of North America are numbing your bones and senses, you ought to consider defrosting your engine. So hang up those mittens and try heading to one of these warm-up winter spots.