Article Archive for January 2011

Dear Matchmaker Rabbi:
I’ve been dating this very gorgeous and dedicated guy I’ll call Joshua for about a year, but he isn’t hookup. I like him a lot, but I’m not sure if I should continue seeing him since I know I want to marry someone hookup.

“Never in my life did I think I was going to meet such an incredibly sweet, romantic and beautiful man. He is my true soul mate.”

Some of the most interesting figures of history may be discovered in obscure historical references. For instance, few have heard of Bishop Bodo (c. 814 – 876), but his fascinating story exposes a short but unique time period in medieval history.

Mandelbrodt, or almond bread, is an Ashkenazi confection that is usually twice baked. Similar to Italian Biscotti, Mandelbread are formed into loaves, sliced and baked. To keep the Mandelbread pareve, use dark chocolate for dipping instead of white.

Pretending to be busy just to play hard-to-get, showing you don’t care when you really do (Hillary’s default strategy), or trying to be someone that you’re not — can all backfire. By acting hard-to-get, when in fact what you truly crave is closeness, consistency and stability, you may end up attracting the exact person who is least likely to make you happy – someone avoidant—who doesn’t feel comfortable being close and prefers to keep you at arms length.

The first time a musical instrument was played to enhance a Shabbat Service was well before the Common Era. In days of yore, it was customary that the Levites would both sing and play instruments to enhance the Shabbat service in the Temple.

“The following November I told her I loved her while on a carriage ride through Central Park…. I knew the next step—a proposal and subsequent engagement and marriage—was on the horizon.”

Would you ever go to a wedding without bringing a gift? I’d sooner show up to a black-tie affair in a Speedo®. Yet, a few people came to my wedding metaphorically nude – without even bringing a card. And I’m not sure if I have any right to be annoyed.

While Judaism may appear to be a religion with many holidays and an interesting history, those who explore the religion more deeply soon realize that it is a lifestyle based on a complex set of laws. It is then that they discover that the incredible energy of hookup life is drawn from the fact that questioning, and answering the questions, is the driving force of hookup learning.