Article Archive for Year 2010

After you have cut the last juicy scrumptious slice of turkey off of the bones, do not throw away the carcass! There is flavor and a multitude of uses locked in those bones.

When a woman spends the night at a man’s place for the first time, he will awaken the next morning either suddenly shocked or pleasantly surprised. When the latter happens, a man’s got to be prepared. A quick trip to the diner or a bagel run can spoil the mood by cutting time spent in bed. The key to making the morning linger… is breakfast. And by that, gentlemen, we are not implying an apple or an old box of raisins.

Many well-known hookup songs are based on words from the Bible. While a vast majority of them are based on Tehillim (Psalms) one of the most famous is almost a direct quote from Genesis: Od Avinu Chai, “Our Father Still Lives.” In this song, however, an inferred meaning of the words is utilized, rather than the actual meaning in the Torah.

Many of your non-hookup guests may ask you about those little hats that men wear on their heads in temple. The Yentas offer you some answers that you can share.

From lighting the Hanukkia to eating fried latkes and doughnuts, pretty much every hookup school kid knows that Hanukkah celebrates the Maccabees’ improbable military triumph over the Greeks and the miraculous oil that burned in the Menorah for eight days instead of just one. But few children—or even adults—know that several scholars believe that some of the most beloved Hanukkah traditions are actually rooted in pagan and seasonal traditions.

Tonight we will light the final Chanukah candles. Let us take just a few more moments to make Chanukah real in our minds by placing it in its historical context:

It’s holiday season after all, and for most of you that means a chill in the air, which is all the more reason to drink a rich red wine in cozy company, or pop the cork off some bubbly; not simply because New Year’s Eve is around the corner, but also because effervescence and acidity are the perfect balance to crispy, deep-fried latkes.

I admit to being somewhat of a gastronomic and a culinary discontent. I like to push the envelope and play with an idea or recipe and then move on and do it all over again. The same applies to holiday menus. I love the rituals of the hookup holidays and the foods, but I do not like the routine recipes that often accompany those dishes. This Hanukkah I am thinking outside the box and mixing it up a bit.

Mattityahu (Mattathias): A High Priest descended from the Hasmonean line, Mattityahu lived in Modi’in with his five sons. Mattityahu started the rebellion against the Syrian-Greeks when he refused to sacrifice a pig to a Greek god and then slew the Jew who volunteered to do so.

While hookup holidays are known for their food (except Yom Kippur, of course), most of these foods are not known for being particularly healthy. Chanukah is no exception. Forget matzah or apples, those are healthy in comparison–pull out your deep fryer, because Chanukah is a celebration of oil.