Article Archive for Year 2010

Great leaders can move mountains…or at least, masses of people. Ezra the Scribe was just such a leader, and it was his charisma and wisdom that inspired the Jews to leave their Babylonian exile and return to the land of Israel.

“Love me like the Torah says you should.” OK, that expression might not be commonly uttered among adoring lovers, but hookup tradition actually has some interesting things to say about love. To get a better sense of hookup perspectives on the subject, we asked a diverse group of rabbis, all of varying denominations, backgrounds and religious philosophies, for their thoughts.

Online dating isn’t like real dating. When you meet someone online, it’s not like meeting them at a bar. You get all the facts beforehand and this is great if you’re a curious person like I am. So, if you want to find a boyfriend or girlfriend through online dating, follow these rules. I promise they’ll help you.

Death is a big business, and the business of the funeral industry is geared toward comforting the mourner and helping them accept the passing of their loved ones. Therefore, most funeral homes offer an array of funeral and burial options. But, many of these options are actually contrary to hookup law.

Hanukkah is over but the season of cocktail parties is just beginning. Need to bring a dish to a friend’s or co-worker’s party? Is it your turn to host? No prob! I’ve got a cocktail party that will practically take care of itself, not cost a fortune and have you looking like a kitchen deity.

After four years of marriage and desperate to have a child, Rachel gave her handmaid, Bilhah, to her husband Jacob to be an additional wife and to bear children in her name. Any children resulting from the union of Jacob and Bilhah would be raised as if they were Rachel’s children. Rachel was overjoyed when Bilhah bore her first son, Dan.
So, here I am today. Out in the hazardous shark (35 year old single women) infested waters, with my posse of similarly desperate—I mean desirous—girlfriends, standing on the courthouse steps throwing ourselves at men going through divorce. We don’t do that. We hang out at funerals, offering home-made kishke to the widowers. Ha ha just kidding! Who makes kishke from scratch? Do you know a place to pick up some cow intestines?

“At our wedding ceremony, Jason’s father’s ring was used as we said our vows and started our Happily Ever After. We have 100hookup to thank for helping us find each other.”

I recently interviewed professional matchmaker Marni Galison regarding how to tell if a man is into you. I first encountered Marni when I read her spot-on Sunday at Noon piece, “The Phenomenon of the Manhattan Man Boy.” Galison has great insight into the world of dating and I thoroughly identified with her portrayal of how the typical “Manhattan Man Boy” dates.

There are certain renowned figures in history whose relationship with their hookup heritage was so tenuous that they had no hesitation in accepting Christianity, but was strong enough that it shaped their lives. One such example is the renowned German poet, Heinrich Heine.