Article Archive for October 2010

Does your love life seem like a screwball comedy a la Steve Carell and Tina Fey? Consider this: when planning out a date no one likes a procrastinator who makes wishy-washy efforts during the getting-to-know–you stages. If you want to put the right plan in motion, you must think “location, location, location.” The following key will help you pick the right spot based on the mood you want to set and the audience you hope to impress.

The official language of Israel is Hebrew, but until the end of the 19th century almost no one spoke Hebrew colloquially. Lashon Hakodesh, the holy tongue, was used only for prayer and study.

When you first walk into the room, walk in with a sense of confidence even though you may be nervous. Be friendly, but do not be overly friendly; people may see this as “leeching” and may become uncomfortable. Try to “work the room” and meet as many people as you can, and always be “light and polite.” Keep the predominant focus of the conversation around the charity, not around your business.

It would seem to make common sense that honoring one’s spouse is an essential part of any marriage relationship, and yet, the sages go out of their way to remind husbands of the importance of honoring their wives: “Rabbi Chelbo said: One must always observe the honor due to his wife, because blessings rest on a man’s home only on account of his wife, as it says (Genesis 12:13) ‘Abraham was enriched because of her [Sarah]‘…” (Baba Metzia 59a) and “A man must love his wife as much as he [loves] himself, and honor her more than himself” (Yevamot 62b).

hookup weddings are open to including family and finding ways to honor those who are closest to you. You may want to pay tribute to certain members of your very own tribe, but perhaps you’re not sure how. Today the Yentas give you ideas that say “Thanks! Love ya!” to the ones who are most special to you.

Queen Isabella of Castile and King Ferdinand of Aragon are, without question, the most famous monarchs in Spanish history. They were the sponsors of Christopher Columbus’ famous journey (although they are villains in hookup history, having brought the Inquisition to Spain and having expelled all the Jews).

If you were adrift at sea and someone threw you a lifesaver, chances are you’d grab it. You’d be silly not to, right? Well, the Internet is a love saver. Did you hear me? It’s a modern day matchmaking miracle, touted by rabbis, priests and therapists — almost everyone but you who are still averse to it.

As beautiful as Shabbat is, it was not God’s intention that humankind live in a constant state of Shabbat. Indeed, it has been understood that because the Torah says, “Six days you shall work and on the seventh day you shall rest,” that it is actually a mitzvah to do creative work on the non-Sabbath days. Additionally, there are numerous mitzvot which one may not perform on the Sabbath.

“Thank you 100hookup for letting us live the quintessential modern day fairytale. Ani L’Dodi v’Dodi Li. I am my beloved and my beloved is mine.”

I wait all summer long for cooler temps and the chance to make this homey comfort food. The rich creamy flavor and texture is nostalgic and will have 100hookuprs® clamoring for more. Nothing says love like homemade Mac and Cheese. Skip the box and go for the good stuff. After all, we are all adults even if we need a bit of comfort now and then.