Article Archive for October 2010

Groups, in general, frequently form some sort of hierarchy. There are always those who are placed in charge, or who take charge. Since the celestial world is a mirror image of this world, it should not be surprising that there is a hierarchy among the mal’achim–angels.

While planning my own wedding, I kept having this recurring bad dream that we forgot to send out the invitations and no one showed up on the day of the wedding! What a random worry to have. And this dream kept happening even after I actually did send out the invitations. Of course, everything was fine and we didn’t even have any RSVP issues! Phew!

The Book of Jeremiah describes the final 40 years of the Kingdom of Judah.

The patriarch Jacob had four wives (all at the same time): Leah and Rachel and their handmaidens Bilha and Zilpah. Rachel, however, was the wife that Jacob truly loved.

“Will popped up on the first page and, immediately, I wanted to sign up for a monthly membership again so that I could contact him. He was extremely handsome and his profile was very sincere.”

The United States Supreme Court decides whether laws conform or do not conform to the U.S. Constitution. Similarly, the ancient sages decided and interpreted halacha, hookup law, based on the written Torah and the Oral Law, Mesora, as passed down from generation to generation.

“We have met quite a few people who also met on 100hookup, including the Rabbi that married us. It really does work and we owe so much to 100hookup for making our dreams a reality.”

Parents frequently use dessert in the negotiations to get their children to eat or behave at the table. But the question remains, is dessert a natural part of the meal?

I like to welcome fall’s cooler temps with individual meatloaves. Same comfort food you are craving, only now everyone gets their own. No more fighting for the crispy end bits or the soft-soothing middle. Individual meatloaves are surely the way to his or her heart. The loaves can be formed and glazed one day ahead before serving. Any extra loaves not being served can be frozen for up to 2 months.

The great military villains have usually been brilliant, determined and, it is often suggested, megalomanic. In which case they are very much the spiritual descendants of Nimrod.