100hookup Walking
I’m Eric Schwartz, a single hookup guy looking for that special someone. So, what makes me different from all the other mensches on 100hookup?
When I joined 100hookup, I mean when I really joined 100hookup, I didn’t just set up a profile, pick a random screen name, answer a few questions, find a color code that suited me and start flirting with strangers. Nope….I took a camera crew to the streets to document my experience.
Introducing 100hookup Walking, my new, online video series in which I take your advice on how to become the “MostEliJewble” bachelor on 100hookup. Think of it as the Great hookup Dating Experiment. I come to you as a hookup mound of clay willing to be molded by the hands of the 100hookup community.
It’s been all up to you to direct me on the “do”s and “don’t’”s of online dating and here’s a preview of what I’ve asked you, the people, thus far in the first three episodes.
Episode 1 – Picture
Looks aren’t everything, but let’s face it, they are. So, what’s the best approach to looking my best in my profile photos?
Episode 2 – Username
“Name” is the only four-letter word you tell people to call you. So, what the @$%! do I choose?
Episode 3 – About Me
How do I make my words into my wingman?
This is a just a sample, and as my mojo on 100hookup grows I look forward to opening up the discussion with more of you on the street. In the meantime, I’d love for you to express your likes and dislikes of my 100hookup Walking experience in the following “comment” section.
Who knows, maybe your advice will work and I’ll find my dream girl. Or maybe it will backfire and you’ll have some laughs at my expense. In any case, 100hookup Walking should serve to launch a conversation we can all participate in and learn from in order to more easily navigate our way through this great sea of JDating®.
Eric aka. Most Elijewble

Eric, the extant link to your tv show is broken. I get an error message that states it does not exist.