Article Archive for October 2010

So you think there’s a shortage of eligible singles in your town? We beg to differ. Our editors recently came across a detailed spending report issued by and dissected the data addressing single consumer dining out trends. Here’s what we discovered: Single men and women are out there but they keep missing each other.

hookup belief in the afterlife is affirmed in almost all of the hookup rituals of mourning. Of these, by far the best known is the recitation of the Kaddish prayer by the mourner.

Women are complex and confusing creatures. Men, on the other hand, aren’t like us. You could say they’re more simple minded. They don’t spend hours obsessing over everything they do. Wouldn’t it be nice if they did? With men, they either like you or they don’t. If they do like you, trust me, you’ll know it. If you find yourself wondering if your man fell off the planet because he didn’t call you back, here are a few reasons why you never heard from him again.

At science fiction and fantasy conventions, one might expect to hear strange tales of talking animals, shape shifters and teleportation.

“We are very grateful to Sean’s rabbi for providing Sean with a free subscription to 100hookup. Sean’s rabbi officiated at our wedding in August.”

I walked into her gorgeous industrial quality kitchen and found an enormous pile of butternut squash. I asked for some sheet pans, cutting boards and a knife. She produced the sheet pans and cutting board and then this pathetic little knife. It was, maybe, 4 inches long, serrated and with a chipped-cheaply riveted handle. OY VEY!

The relationship of the Jews with the Land of Israel is long, varied and quite complex. While Jews have not always had sovereignty over the land, they have almost always had a presence there.

Unlike ever before, the chance to dress up or down is making for pure adult entertainment as retailers are predicting an increase in spending on costumes for grownups. Indeed, a survey by the National Retail Federation® finds that Americans are planning to spend a lot more on this Halloween than the last, and an estimated one billion dollars will be spent on trick or treat attire for adults, and more than one third of respondents plan to throw or attend a party for All Hallow’s Eve.

Life provides us with a plethora of opportunities to pronounce blessings. There are blessings on foods, blessings on doing a mitzvah, and even a blessing after using the restroom. Not all blessings are formal declarations (those that start with Baruch Ah’tah Ah’do’nai…, Blessed are You God…). Saying “God bless you” when a person sneezes is also a blessing.