Here’s A Grape Idea!
It’s a scene out of a movie… or “America’s Funniest Home Videos,” depending how sick your sense of humor is. During the wedding ceremony, a beautiful bride in a sparkling white gown receives her groom’s Bar Mitzvah Kiddush cup. She looks up at her handsome groom, feels butterflies and blushes over the excitement of the day. Just as she prepares to make contact with the cup, she presses her lips lightly on the surface to make sure that her lipstick stays in tact, and then it happens.
Red wine drips onto her perfectly pressed and clean dress, and the crimson liquid continues to streak down every bead and patch of lace like rain drops on a windshield. It’s ruined. The dress is catastrophically ruined and the bride must go on with the evening in a wine tie-dyed shmata on the best day of her life (and no club soda will ever get out this stain).
Do we blame the ever-so-cared-for lipstick? The dashing groom and his distractingly handsome appearance? A faulty Kiddush cup? No. Because if the couple had selected white wine, this would have still happened, but it wouldn’t have mattered.
“But, dear Wedding Yentas, the go-to kosher wine is red!!”
Not all kosher wines are red, my young grasshoppersteins. There is white kosher wine and not only is it colorless, it is G.O.O.D.
You don’t have to get icky cheap stuff to drink under the chuppah. It’s your wedding day, so you deserve the best. A late harvest Riesling or a Russian River chardonnay are delicious and practical varieties of kosher wine. And they’re white. And delicious. And white. Could we drive our point home any harder?
There really is nothing like a great bottle of wine with which to mark your milestone. Go wine tasting! Make an event out of it. It’s like liquid cake tasting with a buzz. And depending on how much you taste, your wedding planning will suddenly become less stressful!
Finding the special bottle of wine exclusively for your wedding day personalizes your ceremony with memories in the heart and smiles on your taste buds. You’ll want to stay under that chuppah and get married all evening, it’ll be that good. Keep it around for Passover and welcome Elijah an extra dozen times. We were advised to purchase white kosher wine on our wedding day and I’m so glad we did. We didn’t have any spillage issues, but it sure took my mind off any worry that wine would dribble on my dress. Not to mention, it helped make the kisses that much sweeter!