7 Ways to Unleash Your Inner Samantha
With the new Sex and the City movie merely weeks away, the editors at SingleEdition.com thought it might be a good opportunity to share some tips for the single “Samanthas” among us – specifically the 25 million unmarried American women age 45 and up.
1. Decide Not to Date Vertically: Fed up with dating up and down? You’re in good company! Terms like cougar and sugar daddy paint a poor picture of women, portraying them as oversexed or money grubbing predators. Commit to finding a man your own age and you won’t have to spend time babysitting or doing the care-giving. Keep in mind, there are plenty for 40 plus singles from which to choose on 100hookup.com and it’s easy to readjust your settings! If you’re new to digital dating do as Samantha would do and enlist the services of an online dating coach or professional profile writer.
2. Supper with Strangers: Dinners with friends can be impossible when you’re the last single one standing in your crew. Don’t panic! Secret supper clubs are springing up across the country, serving up gourmet meals to men and women of all ages. While getting a reservation may require a little sleuthing since most of the hosting chefs are operating out of their own homes without a license, once you’re in your girlfriends will want to follow suit. If that’s not an option in your area, take the party to your place and start your own underground dinner club.
3. Embrace Shape Shifting Technologies: In the United States alone more than 11 million cosmetic surgical and nonsurgical procedures are performed a year, but not everyone is prepared to go under the knife. In fact, many fabulous ladies like Samantha are opting for form shifting undergarments and so can you! Today’s shape-wear is not like the girdle your grandma used to wear. With the proper gear, you can build a better butt, bolster boobs, trim a troubled tummy and look more like a Sex and the City gal without any visits to the plastic surgeon.
4. Escape to Get in Shape: If you’re a big city gym rat, you may be missing your Vitamin D, a deficiency which can result in thin, brittle, or misshapen bones, especially as you get older. The good news for goddesses who worship the sun: light is the best remedy. Consider substituting spin class and sessions on the Stairmaster with an outdoor activity or fitness vacation – there are plenty that offer discounts to singles and you can find them in the discount directory on SingleEdition.com.
5. Be a Frugal Fashionista: Web-savvy gals like Samantha know that being on a budget is uber chic, and by navigating the Internet they are getting designer shoes and saving dollars too. Sample sales are happening everyday online through members-only luxury sites like Ideeli.com and BeyondtheRack.com. Plus, marketers are making use of social networking by posting special offers to their friends and followers. If you have a favorite brand, sign up for their newsletter and become a fan so you too can be alerted to all must-have in your wardrobe deals and steals.
6. Consider Eco-Conscious Cocktails: The booze you choose can be better for you and the universe. Free from chemicals and packaged in recycled, recyclable or biodegradable materials, organic spirits are the alcohol du jour among eco-conscious gals. Those pink drinks will be hotter and whole lot healthier if they’re mixed with a virtuous vodka product. Now that’s a Green Apple Martini!
7. Search for Sex Outside the City: If you’re anything like Samantha the well of men may have run dry in your city. Now is the perfect time to look for love beyond borders. In fact, according to a recent nationwide survey conducted by Coldwell Banker, more and more singles are buying homes in suburbia. Sex in the Suburbs anyone?
SingleEdition.com is a lifestyle destination where singles get advice, discounts and connect with other singles, and share their inspiring personal success stories. To read more articles about the single lifestyle, click here!

All info sounds good however, I am somewhat perplexe. Some of us reside outside the big cities in small towns that are quite a distance from larger populated areas (in my case, a two hour drive). What are we to do since many folks choose not to drive the distance. Even long distance relationship (another state) have not worked for my girlfriends or myself ( I have had 8+).
Where do we locate form shifting undergarments? I have searched throughout numerous search engines to no avail…no luck.