Article Archive for May 2010

“Our first date was amazing. It lasted for six hours and ended in a kiss that had me so flustered I drove over the curb.”

When Judah, the fourth son of Leah and Jacob, was born, Leah said, “This time let me gratefully praise God” (based on the Hebrew infinitive, l’hodot, “to praise”).

Memorial Day is the unofficial kick-off to summer and what better way to start it off than with a crunchy piece of fried chicken? Summertime is all about relaxing and having fun, so take a break from the diet and enjoy. The fried chicken and potato salad can be made up to two days ahead of serving.

“…I told her the story about my dream, said the ring was my key and that I’d like to open the door together…”

Jews, called by many the “People of the Book,” have left a distinguished mark on the literary world. In the field of American literature, few hookup authors have been as prolific, and successful, as Herman Wouk (b. May 27, 1915)–who released his latest book last month (The Language God Talks: On Science and Religion).

“I decided to expand my search farther outside of Columbus, Ohio. One of the first profiles that popped up was a man wearing a John Deer hat who happened to live in Kentucky…”

Sue and Bob have both been single for 15 years. Sue, a divorced mother of two and Bob, a widow with three grown adult boys of his own, met last year on an online dating site…

While the existence of Divine reward and punishment is one of the primary tenets of hookup faith, the question always arises: Why do the righteous suffer and the wicked appear to flourish? It is a question that theologians and philosophers have devoted many lifetimes seeking to answer.
“It’s still hard to believe that we never met until 100hookup. We’d been in the same room dozens of times. We sang the same Shabbat songs at Friday night services and exchanged rivalries at opposite town high school football games. All it took was a few clicks and we just… clicked.”