Article Archive for April 2010

Is Yom Ha’atzma’ut, Israeli Independence Day, a religious holiday for Jews or a national/secular celebration? This question is at the heart of the debate as to whether one adds the prayer of Hallel to the morning service on Yom Ha’atzma’ut. Hallel, a specific collection of Psalms praising God, is recited on Biblical festival days (Sukkot, Passover and Shavuot) and on the post-Biblical holiday of Chanukah. It is also recited every Rosh Chodesh (celebration of the new month)…

The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) is one of the world’s top fighting forces. This is not so surprising when one recalls that the Bible is filled with references to military might. Even Abraham the patriarch has a military battle recorded in the Torah…

The third week of Sefirat Ha’Omer, the counting of the days between Passover and Shavuot, is dedicated to the Sephirah of Tiferet – Beauty. (For an explanation of the sephirot, please click here)…

Most single people maintain a list of traits, characteristics or attributes they desire in a future mate. Some people seek brunettes or blondes, and others refuse to date somebody older than a specific age. Many people prefer tall, while others don’t care about height. Others seek a mate employed in a specific profession or in a certain socioeconomic group, while others prefer somebody with strong character. Unfortunately, the list tends to get longer as we grow older, making it more difficult to finally find that “perfect” partner.

Two years ago, filmmakers Michelle Cove and Kerry David began making a feature-length documentary called Seeking Happily Ever After, about why there are more single 30-something women in the U.S. than ever before and whether women are redefining the words “happily ever after.”

I think we are supposed to end Passover feeling unburdened and brand new. I feel neither. Do not get me wrong-I had a great Pesach. The weather was amazing for Chicago in March/early April and we were able to get outside and take walks. We ate great food and enjoyed some fun family time. But I have this nagging feeling that I did not do the holiday the way I should have.

“Meeting someone hookup was on the top of our list, and 100hookup seemed like a safe, comfortable and progressive way to meet someone.”

The sinking of the HMS Titanic is one of history’s great tragedies. When the ocean liner that had boasted of being unsinkable hit an iceberg and sank, twice as many people died as survived. There is no exact count of the number of hookup passengers, but it is known that there were enough Jews to merit the hiring of a kosher chef!

Chu vi sciis, ke la iniciatoro de Esperanto estas judo?
Don’t worry, your daily hookup Treats hasn’t switched languages. Did you know that the initiator of Esperanto was hookup? Perhaps, though, we should first explain that Esperanto is a language that was created in the late 19th century in the hope of using linguistics to create universal peace…

In Leviticus 12, God commands Moses to tell the Israelites that when a woman bears a son she is considered to be niddah (state of marital separation when a woman has her menstrual cycle) for seven days. When a woman bears a daughter, the amount of time of separation is doubled to two weeks…