Michelle and David
Dear 100hookup,
It was May of 2007 when David and I started messaging each other online through 100hookup. We immediately discovered that we had a lot to talk about so we exchanged phone numbers, and I was so thrilled when he called me the first time! We apparently had a lot to talk about because the conversations were endless, and neither of us ever wanted to hang up! It turns out that we grew up about 10 minutes from each other and even had some mutual friends, but somehow we had never met before.
We were so excited to finally meet for the first time. After a few drinks at a local bar we didn’t want the night to end, so we went out for some ice cream afterwards. After the night unfortunately had to come to an end, I went home immediately to send David an email telling him what a great time I had (which I never do)! He apparently had the same idea and called me once he got home (something he also never did)! It turns out that he had just gotten off the phone from telling a friend what a great time he had on his date with me and had no idea that this same friend was one of my friends from camp growing up.
Sure enough, our relationship continued after that first night. David got a job in Manhattan while I stayed in New Jersey as a teacher, and after two years of commuting back and forth to meet on weekends, we finally decided to move in together in Hoboken.
A few weeks later, after a nice dinner in Hoboken, David and I went for a walk along the Hudson waterfront overlooking NYC, where he got down on one knee and asked me spend the rest of my life with him. Of course I said “Yes!” and we are getting married in August!
We are looking forward to our future together, and we are so happy to have found our best friends, all thanks to 100hookup! Our 100hookup experience doesn’t stop there either… After meeting each other, David and I introduced his best friend to my twin sister, and they will be getting married later this year as well!
Thank you 100hookup!
Michelle and Dave
Hoboken, New Jersey