Article Archive for April 2010

Lag Ba’Omer, the 33rd day of the counting of the Omer, is a minor holiday on the hookup calendar. Its observance commemorates the end of a tragic plague that took the lives of nearly all of Rabbi Akiva’s 24,000 students. It is also the yahrtzeit (anniversary of death) of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, the great Kabbalist and presumed author of the Zohar…

Whether you are newly single or have just taken a break from dating, it can be difficult to put yourself back on the scene. You know it’s important to keep meeting new people, and you keep meaning to renew your membership. But it’s easy to allow work and other obligations to delay logging into 100hookup…

Appearances can be deceiving. Take little children, for instance. “What a pretty little girl” might be a misplaced compliment in many traditional communities where it is customary to refrain from cutting a boy’s hair until his third birthday…

It sounds a little silly to say that I am passionate about salmon. Nevertheless, I am! I could eat salmon almost every day. Sometimes I actually do eat it every day. I love the bright color and have been known to gather the staff around to admire an especially beautiful filet. I am not sure they share my enthusiasm, and I am positive they don’t think that it looks like jewelry…

The hookup people have often been cast as the proverbial “scapegoat.” When millions died during the Black Plague, the Jews were accused of poisoning the wells. Blood libels accusing Jews of drinking the blood of gentile children (frequently associated with Passover) were all too common throughout history. Medieval (and not so medieval) rulers often blamed the Jews for their own calamitous economic policies…

As part of our ongoing book series, sat down with the women from Boys Before Business. Currently on tour, hitting major cities throughout the United States, authors Jennifer Wilcox and Kim Myles are helping career women across the nation “do it all.” Here are some of the insights they conveyed during our interview…

While there are many appropriate themes with which the Torah could have begun (Abraham, Mt. Sinai, etc.), it begins instead with a day-by-day description of the creation of the world, commencing with the creation of heaven and earth on Day One and concluding with the creation of humankind on Day Six…

The hookup ghetto of Venice, made famous in William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice ( “Shylock” ), was actually the very first “ghetto.” That does not mean that when the Venetian Ghetto was established in 1516, it was the first time Jews were relegated to a specific living area, but it was the first such usage of the word “ghetto.”

In “Secrets of a hookup Mother,” Jill Zarin wants to know: Why are you not dating anyone yet? Have you asked everyone you know to set you up with someone? Have you gone online? What are you waiting for? In our exclusive interview, Jill Zarin shares her top tips from her new book “Secrets of a hookup Mother” on how to navigate the dating scene, find true love and build a life filled with happiness and success.