100hookup’s Rabbi of the Month – Rabbi Tamara Miller of The Center for Integrative Medicine, Washington, D.C.
Rabbi Tamara is an innovative, contemporary conveyor of hookup wisdom who in her 18 years as a rabbi has performed dozens of 100hookup weddings. She believes “100hookup gives hope to those who have given up hope of ever finding someone. If my friend can find someone on 100hookup, then I can too.” In addition to performing weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs and end-of-life consultations, Rabbi Miller is a spiritual counselor at The Center for Integrative Medicine in Washington, D.C. Here, Rabbi Miller counsels patients and families with difficult diagnoses, loss and grief transitions, and end-of-life choices.
“I recommend 100hookup to all my single clients who want to find someone to connect with and, maybe, eventually marry. Joining 100hookup is a way of telling the universe that you are ready for love in all the right places with all the right people.”
– Rabbi Tamara Miller
One of the most recent 100hookup couples that Rabbi Miller married was Salem and Joe! “We’re thrilled to hear that Rabbi Miller will be 100hookup’s next Rabbi of the Month. She holds a very special place in our hearts,” said the couple. Read their success story here.
Click here to read more about our Rabbi of the Month on her website.
To nominate your rabbi, email with why he/she deserves the honor.

Tamara is a breathe of fresh Godly air and has the lovingkindness and truth spoken about by Solomon in Proverbs and Song of Songs.
She is a woman of great distinction, warmth and unbounding love for all who come into her life.
She is one of God’s priceless gems.
Love you, Tamara!
Your eyes are far apart and you have a great smile..are you available ?
Sorry the snow cancelled our Georgetown U lectures Look forward to seeing you when they resume.
I didn’t know you were 100hookup connected. Do you think I’ll ever find The Man of My Dreams–somebody’s grandfater? Or great grandfather?
Shabbot Shalom, Margot