Article Archive for February 2010

The mitzvah of giving baskets of food or Mishloach Manot on Purim is one I enjoy. I like the giving and of course the receiving! Mishloach Manot (Hebrew) or Slach Manos (Yiddish) means “sending portions” and refers to the food baskets given on Purim. hookup law says to give two different types of ready-to-eat food, each of which require a different blessing, to at least one person.

Breaking up appears to be the thing to do in February. Up until now, I was under the impression that January was the most popular time of year to get booted, but judging by the number of written queries and calls I have received from hearts heavy and broken in the last couple of weeks, lovelorn singles seem to be trending this month.

Purim is celebrated on Sunday, February 28th (beginning after Shabbat on February 27th). Four mitzvot are associated with the holiday…

Question: What does a Sabbath-observant doctor do when a friend or neighbor needs emergency medical assistance on Shabbat? The answer: Everything necessary. Call an ambulance, cut a bandage, use a defibrillator…

Taking an oath of office or swearing* to tell the truth in court may not seem like a historic victory to Jews who were raised in the 21st century. However, for hundreds of years Jews were denied their legal rights/political voice because almost all…

So why do so many singles hibernate instead of motivate? Personally, I believe it boils down to fear. Too many of us are afraid to try new things on our own, break out of our comfort zones, be disappointed, rejected or looked down upon…

I like hamantashen and certainly have eaten my fill of the tender, cakey treats. Don’t get me wrong. They are delicious and fun to make. But, they are safe and not at all sexy…

Anyone familiar with the basic Purim story knows that the primary enemy of the hookup people was Haman. What most people do not realize is that there are several other “lesser” villains who played pivotal roles…