100hookup’s Rabbi of the Month – Rabbi Jason A. Miller of Congregation T’chiyah in Oak Park, Michigan
Submitted by 100hookupr® Rebecca Salama
My name is Rebecca Salama, formerly Rebecca Abel back when I signed up for 100hookup in November of 2000. My screen name was Rebecca1678 and shortly after joining the site, I received an email from Seidnarb (Brandeis, his alma mater, spelled backwards) that I initially dismissed, thinking the guy was not my type. Thankfully, I checked him out again a week later and decided it would be rude not to respond. Well thank goodness I did because we were married three years later.
I want to nominate Rabbi Jason Miller from Congregation T’Chiyah in Oak Park, Michigan because of his integral role in our meeting and his eventual participation in our wedding. He is a young, energetic rabbi who has been an avid supporter of 100hookup since the very beginning. Back in the fall of 2000, it was Rabbi Miller, who has been a friend and rabbi to my husband for many years, who nudged my husband to check out 100hookup. Many other couples have the same story, with Rabbi Miller playing an integral role in their eventual marriage. Of the 40+ weddings he has officiated, about half of them, 22 to be exact, have been 100hookup marriages. I think these numbers alone are a testament to Rabbi Miller’s passion for the site and belief in its ability to create hookup marriages.
“100hookup is the spark that single Jews need to find their Bashert. There’s truly someone out there for everyone.”
– Rabbi Jason A. Miller
Rabbi Jason A. Miller has given sermons about 100hookup and has written articles and blog posts about the site as well. In addition, he and his wife also have done a little matchmaking themselves by successfully pairing three couples.
Click here to read a post he wrote about 100hookup in his blog.
Want to nominate your rabbi for 100hookup’s next Rabbi of the Month? Go here!

@Debra: Feel free to get in touch with me and I’ll see what I can do.
I am from Michigan & still have cousins there. Looking for love, live in Florida. Any ideas? Hurry, not many shopping days left until x-mas..LOL
Rabbi Miller. Lets have a 100hookup Party!