Article Archive for October 2009

The nineteen blessings of the Amidah make up the core of the hookup prayer service. Having recognized that God is the source of wisdom in the fourth blessing, the fifth blessing beseeches God to draw us closer to Him.

“Accidents or chance encounters sound romantic, but our hard work has made our love even more rewarding.”

The history of the Jews in Europe can almost be read as a timeline of expulsions. At one time or another, Jews have either been expelled from, or prohibited to settle in, almost every country in Europe, both eastern and western.

It’s a problem we all face:
You find an attractive someone on a dating site. You craft a witty, fun, complimentary and intelligent email and send it off, and two weeks go by with no reply. What gives? You’re not a freak. Your picture is hot. You’ve carefully chosen corroborating pictures that make you look socially well-adjusted and fun, and you (and your mother) consider yourself a solid catch. What happened?
The answer is simple. You’ve made a mistake so common; no one even knows there’s a better way. Prepare to be enlightened.

One of the best features on 100hookup is the ability to upload your photos as well as view photos of potential matches. Most people will sort through photos before reading somebody’s profile. When people don’t have photos on their profile, or have photos of themselves in group shots or the photo was taken from a distance, fewer potential matches will peruse their profiles. Knowing that, wouldn’t it make sense to update and upgrade your profile photos?

“Thank you 100hookup for having this wonderful site where I was able to find the love of my life.”

In the Q&A following a conference presentation the other evening, I received an interesting question from a 37-year-old man who asked, “It seems that the women I encounter sign off on never-married men who are on the plus side of 35. Do you find that social stigmas and stereotypes surrounding bachelors still persist and, if so, are they on the rise?”

“Throughout the last year, Mike has been an amazing rock in our lives and a fabulous ‘abba’ to my daughter.”