Ellen and Adam
We are not the couple who met the first week online. Ellen and I knew exactly who we were looking for and spent years searching. We went on hundreds of 100hookups. When you know what you want, it makes the search both easier and harder. Luckily, our determination eventually led us to each other.
Ellen exuded sexy sophistication in her profile photo. How could such a smart, witty woman, who spends her days saving people’s lives, be so hot?
Ellen was positive that my profile’s triathlon photo showing me emerging from a lake with straining muscles and mist coming from my body had to be at least 10 years old. Her mother didn’t believe that I was “real” because how could you trust a person you find on the computer, especially somebody who claims to have been an Ivy League-educated shepherd. Nevertheless, Ellen was willing to go out with me and was pleasantly surprised. I am “real.”
On our first date, we wandered for miles along the Charles River in Cambridge. Even though Ellen’s sexy boots were seriously hurting her feet, the captivating conversation muted her pain (until later). It was a perfect day, and we both knew we had met “The One.”
Over the last two years, we’ve watched sunsets and shooting stars from the top of mountains and laughed about how goofy we can be until it hurt. We explored European cities and shared romantic dinners at home. We competed in triathlons, swam miles in tropical oceans, and enjoyed quiet mornings in bed. We hiked through a snowstorm in August on top of a blue, glowing glacier.
Ellen and I spent decades enjoying our independence, while fantasizing about the “right person.” Now, we have embarked upon the biggest journey of our lives: getting married, buying a house, having a family, and growing older together.
It is deeply satisfying to have a person to share our experiences, and that we can trust with our most intimate hopes and dreams. We are each other’s biggest cheerleaders. Our lives and our families fit together perfectly. Accidents or chance encounters sound romantic, but our hard work has made our love even more rewarding. Ellen and I really know how rare and special we are for each other.
Thank you 100hookup for helping us find each other. We just celebrated our one-year wedding anniversary (married on August 31, 2008), and are expecting our first child in April 2010. Your website made it all possible.
Adam and Ellen
Arlington, MA
June 2013 Update:
Mazel tov to Ellen and Adam! The couple added two adorable kids to their family: Ava (age 3) and Zoe (age 1).

What a beautiful story…much more mazel in your lifetime!
Ellen & Adam,
What a beautiful story. I am so happy for both of you that you found each other and you share such a wonderful relationship with each other. I have known Ellen since the day she was born and it warms our hearts to see her so happy with you Adam.
All our best wishes always.
Anne & Marvin Plaut
Ellen, your name is spelt close to Eve. Then the two of you could have been Adam and Eve!
To Gavin: there actually are! you should log on to 100hookup.co.il, and if you can’t read Hebrew, there’s 100hookup.uk.
Are there any 100hookup success stores from countries other than USA?
Your joy and love for each other is truly pictured on your faces.
How absolutely marvelous! What a blessing to have found each other.
A perfect match! A Princess and her Prince! God bless you and your family.
You guys are adorable! Thanks for giving me hope on this exhusting journey of mine, still continuing.
I gather that the blushing bride is a physician. What does her bridegroom does for a living?
All the best to you both!