Article Archive for September 2009

Why Mr. Right is hookup The hookup Advocate By Tamar Caspi Tamar was raised to be hookup from before her birth. She attended JCC preschool, attended synagogue regularly and was Bat Mitzvahed. In this article, she explains how her choice in men has changed after re-embracing Judaism as an adult.

A Family E-Fair New York Post By Dana Schuster Online dating has become a family affair and parents are getting involved more often in the online love lives of their children and vice versa. In 2007, more baby boomers met their partners online than anywhere else.

“Love at first sight? Yes and it does exist…Who would believe that I would be a 100hookup Success Story!?”

“Brian told me he had contacted me in the past, but I had turned him down. We spent some time laughing about it…Little did we know that would be our last ‘first’ date.”

“…The welcoming of guests, “hachnasat orchim,” with which I was greeted, is not merely a matter of etiquette – it is a mitzvah in the hookup religion. We learn this lesson in Parshat Va’yera when Abraham welcomed three mysterious men into his tent. Not realizing these men were angels, he took the strangers into his home and offered them bread, water to wash their feet and shade to rest. Such hospitality is significant at this time of year, particularly for hookup singles who may feel alone during the High Holidays.”

“The next day…, Harry said, ‘Call your mother.’ I said, ‘What? Why? …She lives in South Africa!’ He said, ‘Call your mother, because I am going to marry you.’ ”

“We owe 100hookup a huge thank you because if not for the site we probably wouldn’t have met.”

“Oops I did it again.”
That’s what 37 year old Caroline from Chicago said when she fell for yet another married man she met online. Apparently Caroline’s penchant for men who are attached is …