Gerry and Jane
Dear 100hookup,
I didn’t think I would be writing to you folks with such a happy ending. I had been on for months before I received an email from Jane (aka DoctaJane). She appeared to be just what I needed to get my life going again. Someone who smiled, loved, cared for and cared about me. These qualities are just a few of the many that made my heart beat with every moment I thought of her.
While I must admit we have had some rough times due to distance, a love this strong made all the impossibilities of this relationship possible.
Jane and I have been together for over 2 years now. The wedding date is August 11, 2002. On this day, Jane and I will make our commitment to each other under the Chupah in front of G-d.
It doesn’t get any better than this. THANKS!!!
Gerry & Jane