Barbara and Michael
Dear 100hookup,
The 100hookup computer world we live in has brought my wife and I together from opposite ends of the United States.
It was a strange beginning, but a more than happy ending to this tale of a 100hookup couple’s coupling.
On one fine evening in the fall of 2003, Barbara opened one of those generic profiles that show up on 100hookup. She says something in her brain suggested she open that one and no others because it flashed off the page. She has no explanation other than something told her to open it. That profile was mine. Of course, there was no reason for her to pursue that profiled person since we lived forever apart, her in Riverdale, New York, and me in Tucson, Arizona.
The 100hookup system lets you see who has opened your profile. When I saw she had looked at my profile, I emailed her to ask why a lady from New York was opening my profile. Was she moving to Arizona? Was she going to visit Arizona? She had no intention of coming my way. But yet, it intrigued her. In fact, it intrigued us both.
We started the usual email exchanges about who we were, and on and on. Eventually we decided to actually see each other… in person. Me, the traveler, I would fly to New York and stay at a local hotel, and we would spend a few days getting to know each other in person. I had to wait until January 1, 2004 to fly to see her since I already used my elite-level America West Airline miles for 2003. Mileage is important… right? She claims that I only flew to see her to get the miles… well, hmmm… no, not so.
Then we met at JFK airport in New York, neither really knowing what to expect, both wishing for the best. No sign was held up for me at the airport, but we both sort of knew who to look for, assuming our profile photos were truthful. They were. I kid Barbara even now about how she was shaking and shaking as we met… and we hugged and hugged some more, ignoring the stares all around us.
Those few days showed us that there was something quite special about us… the karma, the laughter… the intelligence… the similar interests. It was beshert.
We started seeing each other on a regular and also not so regular basis, one of us flying to the other’s city each time. We even almost got stranded when we shared a 22-inch snow storm in New York City, but caught the last bus back to Riverdale. It was fun seeing each other’s worlds, each other’s friends, and each other’s relatives. Our many phone calls and emails to each other kept us busy and gave us more knowledge about each other in our budding romance.
We each had much learning to do about each other and ourselves, as any couple will go through. After many up and down moments, we both realized that we needed to be together, today, tomorrow, and all of our tomorrows. Barbara recently moved to Tucson. We purchased a house together and were married by a local rabbi on the morning of November 12, 2006. We are definitely twin flames and will be together forever. Yum!
Without the computer dating experience, we would not be together. What a wonderful 100hookup world we live in.
Tips for other 100hookuprs:
Once we met and looked into each other’s eyes and experienced the joy of finding a soul mate, there was no one further to pursue; although it took many, many months of getting to know each other.
Don’t jump right into a permanent commitment.
A desire to obtain a lot of frequent flyer miles was an incentive for us to travel cross country (Tucson to New York) to ‘date’ each other.
An honest profile with honest information shared after our ‘meeting’ on 100hookup were important.
An honest photo gallery helped — especially having more than one photo.
Barbara & Michael
Tucson, Arizona and Riverdale, New York