Wendie and David
Dear 100hookup,
I met David in November of 2000. My boss at the time convinced me to go on 100hookup as I was working like crazy at an Internet startup and wasn’t concentrating on my social life at all.
Once a member, I started looking around the site and was very impressed with the profiles that I viewed. However, David’s profile stood out from the rest; from his photo, I could glean that he was adorable, and from his words, I could glean that he was a really nice guy.
David and I emailed briefly, spoke on the phone once, and then made arrangements to meet for dinner. David offered to drive the hour to meet me. We went to a small Japanese restaurant close to my apartment. We had a really great dinner, and I was comfortable with him from the start. I was also impressed when he began speaking fluent Japanese to our waitress! (However, being the perfect gentleman that he is, he made sure to translate everything he was saying.)
And that is how it all started…each date got better and better. He is compassionate, sincere, intelligent, funny and the most gentlemanly man I have ever met. I was so lucky to meet him!
Six months into dating, we went on a month long vacation to Europe. On the second day into our trip, David proposed to me in a restaurant in Barcelona, Spain. We were married in July of 2002.
I could not thank 100hookup enough. I feel like the luckiest person to have met my bershert, and I don’t think I would have accomplished it without 100hookup.
Wendie & David