Liz and Andrew
Dear 100hookup,
Please find room for us among your 100hookup success stories because we truly are the two happiest people alive now that we’re together.
Both Liz and I are hopeless romantics. We are driven by our hearts and are enthusiastic beyond words. We are high-energy; we love life and appreciate every single moment.
For the last few years (we are both divorced, each with two children), we have been doing exactly what we were supposed to do — worked hard, devoting ourselves to our children, friends and families. We both have healthy outlooks on life, love and maintaining balance in each. Of course, part of that includes dating.
Although we both have met some nice people along the way, each of us knew there was someone out there, someone special — that once in a lifetime love that everyone craves. Somehow, we never gave up our faith that one day we would find each other. Now our dream has come true.
Liz wrote to me first after seeing my profile and picture. I was online at the time and wrote back right away because Liz’s profile sounded exactly like the person I wanted to meet. Because Liz didn’t have her picture up, I asked that she forward one to me. I didn’t get it right away and, after a few days, thought she might have lost interest or chose not to pursue me for some reason. I wrote back and asked if she had changed her mind. It turned out that she thought she had sent the picture but didn’t.
When I finally got it, I was thrilled. As great as the picture was, I knew that in person, Liz would be even more adorable. She already had a wonderful profile so all that was missing was to meet and make sure that everything was as great as it seemed.
In the meantime, I had been on 100hookup for 5 or 6 months. I had met some nice women but always felt like something was missing. Every woman was either “too this or too that.” Now, I’m not a very picky person, but as every divorcee will tell you, never settle when it comes to matters of the heart.
Liz and I finally arranged to meet for a drink at a local restaurant. We only live 5-10 minutes away from each other on Long Island, NY. I went into this meeting with no expectations. That was probably the best thing. I was relaxed but optimistic. Once our eyes met and we started talking, it didn’t take very long to realize that something very special, very unique was beginning. We began to share our lives, our interests, our worlds. Liz told me she was so nervous about meeting, she had actually broken out in hives.
Her honesty and openness captivated my heart. I had actually found someone who was just like me. Someone REAL! My perfect match! There were no walls. We trusted each other and never hid our true selves. In fact, we are so alike in our values, morals and principals that it was clear to see that we were meant to be together. As I wrote earlier, we are incurable romantics. By our third date, I had promised Liz that I would write her one love letter each day for the rest of our lives. My second love letter was a poem. Here it is:
For 44 years I’ve tried to find my way
I’ve stumbled and faltered but my faith never swayed.
I longed and I yearned for that one special day
When true love would come and sweep me away.
And then you were there, in front of my eyes
I didn’t expect you, what an amazing surprise.
Meet for a drink and a nice little talk
But you were much more then we went on that walk.
The look in your eyes, the way you held my face
I knew God was beaming to me his good grace.
In such a short time you have captured my heart
My world now complete, now life really starts.
We must always remember the journey we’ve had
To appreciate life, the good and the bad.
Together, united we will overcome grief
And look to each other for love and relief
I cherish you, love you, adore you and more
The future awaits us, and all that’s in store
And so we begin, hand in hand, side by side
Sit down, buckle up what a wonderful ride.
Life has no limits, just the ones in our minds
These few special words, my special love rhymes.
I’ll write you forever, never ending devotion
My heart is fulfilled as big as the ocean.
I doubted it possible, wondered if it could be
Then you came along and you made me see.
That YES! it can happen, dreams indeed do come true
But just once in a lifetime, and Liz, it’s you.
We’re not sure exactly where life will lead us now.
It doesn’t matter, as long as were together.
Two lives have become one.
We must express our deepest thanks and appreciation to 100hookup and share with the world the immeasurable joy, happiness and fulfillment that we have now and will have forever. With each and every day that passes, we are thankful beyond measure that we have found each other.
Love to all,
Liz & Andrew
Long Island, New York