Karen and Scott
Dear 100hookup,
In July of 1998, Karen was in graduate school in Oregon and Scott was working and living in Maryland. Both had profiles on, but neither had gotten any satisfying responses. One afternoon, after discussions of roller hockey and kids in the chat room, Karen and Scott began conversing with each other, first in the room and later privately. A barrage of email ensued. Shortly email would no longer suffice, so the phone became the primary means of communication. After regular phone calls and all night marathon sessions, the two decided that meeting was a must. Scott was due to visit his sister in Arizona in just 3 weeks; so he decided that it would be a perfect time to meet Karen. Scott’s flight was several hours late, and by the time it landed, the airport terminals were closed. Karen had to wait in the main lobby for Scott to arrive. At about 2:00 a.m. the plane finally landed and they met for the first time. Several hours later, they returned to the airport where Scott met Karen’s parents, en route to the East Coast. Karen and Scott spent the next week traveling around Oregon and getting to know each other. At the end of the visit, it was clear that the two were meant for each other. Karen visited Scott in Maryland in August, met his family, and then they headed south to see Karen’s brother in North Carolina. By the end of that time together, it was clear that there needed to be a plan involving relocation by one of them. Scott loved Oregon and decided it was time for a change. He flew out to Oregon again in September, found a job and headed home to pack. Scott quit his job, sold his house, packed up, and was flown back to Oregon with his dogs, the day after Thanksgiving 1998. He started a new job while Karen finished graduate school. While there was no official proposal, the two knew they would start planning the wedding when school was complete. In August 1999, they picked out a ring and set the date for one year later. Karen and Scott were married in a traditional hookup ceremony on August 6, 2000. They look forward to starting a family shortly.
Karen & Scott