Rebekah and Brian
Dear 100hookup,
We have been so excited to email you and share our wonderful story. Thanks to your website, we have found each other and have begun the “happily ever after” that we only dreamed of before. Brian and I were living in two separate states, leading two very different lives, but sharing one common theme – not meeting the right person to spend our lives with – until we met through your website.
Now for my side . . . I was sitting at home on a Saturday night in February 2004 when my Mom called me and berated me for living in Manhattan, the hub of East Coast excitement, and sitting at home on a Saturday night. When I explained to her that I’d rather be home reading than out meeting “the same kind of guys” that I always met, she had a great idea — she signed me up for 100hookup, and we began looking at profiles together that night over the phone (to give me hope that the “right one” was out there). One day, while sitting at work browsing through profiles, one special profile caught my eye. Believe it or not, he did not have a picture attached, but I read the words and was struck by his sensitivity, kindness, humor and depth. I figured, “What the Heck?!” and sent a greeting. No response for two weeks….
Now on Brian’s side . . . He had the typical hookup male situation on his hands: a hookup mother kvetching for her son to get married. As she watched Brian coast along, working and playing but not marrying, she started to worry — until she took matters into her own hands. She secretly placed a profile on 100hookup for Brian, buying his membership and praying that it paid off. As Brian suddenly started receiving his matches of the week, his suspicions were alerted, and he instantly thought of his mother; who else would have done something this mischievous in his life?! When confronted, she admitted to doing the deed — to placing her single, eligible son on 100hookup. Brian quickly revamped his profile and made sure it reflected exactly who he was, since he was already a member with or without his initial approval. Brian thought no more of it for a few weeks…then curiosity killed the cat and he actually opened some of his received mail.
How we met . . . Brian was instantly taken with my profile and picture and, after two weeks, wrote me back. We began a short email relationship, quickly moved to speaking on the phone, and though he was in Yardley, Pennsylvania and I was in Manhattan, we had our first date only one month after our first communication. While still speaking on the phone in late May 2004, I had suggested he come to visit in mid-July, figuring that the weeks in between would give us time to get better acquainted. His response was a quick, “How about this Sunday?” I knew this guy was serious! He drove up to NYC, and we had our first of what would become known as “marathon dates” (8-12 hour long dates). This went on for the next few weeks, not letting a weekend go by from the first date. We knew from the first date that we had something very special together; by the first month, we knew we were an exclusive couple, and by the third month, we were engaged! Though some people think that sounds quick, time couldn’t pass fast enough for us until we could finally be together, in the same state and under the same roof.
How we married . . . after a six-month engagement, we got married on April 3, 2005 at Lincoln Square Synagogue in the Upper West Side of Manhattan. I moved into his townhouse in Yardley, Pennsylvania, and we eventually moved on from there to Lower Merion, Pennsylvania. It is the funniest thing, but when asked, we give the credit to 100hookup and to our mothers! Without the amazing teamwork of the two, we might never have met and shared in the ultimate happiness that life has to offer.
Thank you, 100hookup, for another “Happy Ending!”
Rebekah & Brian
Manhattan, New York and Yardley, Pennsylvania