Cindy and David
Dear 100hookup,
My husband David and I met four years ago. We had both been on 100hookup for numerous months, hoping to find that special person. Even though we went on numerous dates with other people, none of them felt right.
In March of 2001, David emailed me such a sweet note. When I clicked on his profile, I immediately reacted and said, “Oh my god, this is my husband!” I went to my friend’s house that day and exclaimed, “I found my husband!” Yes, I know that I had not met him yet, but something in my heart just told me that he was the one.
I responded to his email immediately and was looking forward to hearing back from him. His reply came back asking for my phone number. Our first phone call lasted two and a half hours. We made plans to go out the following week.
Our first date was very nice. He picked me up at my home (something I never do! Just one of my rules, but like I said, I just knew.) Our first date lasted the whole night, and I was disappointed when he left. I felt like I had known him my whole life. I could not wait to see him again. He came back the next night, and we had another wonderful evening.
On our five-month anniversary, we decided to go on a trip to Italy for 14 days. We had so much fun. However, on our way home from Italy, our airplane notified us that we had to turn around due to planes not landing in the United States (yes, it was 9/11/01). We were so scared, but we got through it together. We had our airline fly us to London until they would let us back into the states (his parents were on vacation there, and we wanted to be close to family members). This just brought us even closer.
Anyway, David proposed to me in March of 2002, and we got married six months later on November 3, 2002. What a beautiful day it was to finally marry the man of my dreams!
Today, David and I have a thirteen month old son named Joshua.
Dreams really do come true.
Cindy & David
Fort Lee, New Jersey