Andrea and Glenn
Dear 100hookup,
Having been down the road a time or two, I was more than careful about what type of person I might pick to share my life in the future. I’m an avid golfer, and a big-time baseball enthusiast. I was hoping to find someone with similar interests, and to make the task that much harder, I wanted her to be hookup. So I decided to log on to 100hookup.
I did a search and Andrea popped up. I thought I could just email her, but in order to do that I had to join, which I did. As it turned out, she was the only date I ever had on 100hookup. We hit it off immediately. Our connection was sealed by the fact she was from Boston and a hardcore Red Sox baseball fan. Andrea could name all the players, past and present, which was very impressive. Being born and raised in LA, I could do the same with the Dodgers.
Well long story short, we got married on a baseball field down the street from the synagogue. Everyone who came wore baseball jerseys, including the cantor. The rabbi wore an umpire’s uniform and chest protector. Our chuppah was made out of Dodger blankets stitched together. It was a great day, and so has every day since.
Thanks to 100hookup for helping put this team together.
Andrea & Glenn
Los Angeles, California