The Hora-Scopes: Your August Forecast On Life & Love
To find out more information on the planets, and Danielle, you can “like” her Facebook fan page at: Danielle Paige (!
Aries, this month transiting Venus (love and money) slides its way on over into Cancer which happens to be your solar 4th house of home and family. Venus is all about what we value most. Do you value time with the fam? What about a partner that is close with his or her family as well? Take time out of your daily grind and spend time with the ones you love. By doing so, you will manifest a partner with that same vibration as well. Aries, since you like to take the lead, I’ll leave it up to you…do you prefer the Partridge family, the Adams family, or maybe your own Modern Family? Whichever it is, start by making things right with your own first.
Taurus, transiting Juno (the commitment asteroid) is in your solar 7th house of one-to-one relationships and will be making an opposition to the ever-so-mysterious Black Moon Lilith. Oppositions require balance, so let’s start by asking what do you really want/need in a partner? Are you getting that now with your current love? Beyond the physical and emotional attraction, Juno is about what is absolutely necessary for you to be able to commit to a partner. But don’t worry; with the Black Moon Lilith there, it’s sure to keep things steamy! Again, just remember it’s all about balance…not too much Ken….and not too much Barbie…but just the right blend of beauty AND brains!
Gemini, shalom, shalom twins. So Gemini, something we haven’t talked about yet is your solar 8th house and how Pluto (transformation) has been and will be hanging out there for a looong time. Ok, let’s get to the facts before you get bored! Fact #1: Pluto is all about transformation, but not in a quick, shocking way like the planet Uranus. Pluto is slow, goes deep below the surface, and truly changes whatever it touches. Since you are usually like a lightning bolt, I know you’re not too thrilled about this “slow” transforming planet. But the good news is it’s happening for a reason. The 8th house is all about shared resources, intimacy, and things hidden below the surface. Enter Fact Part Duex: know that the Universe is working behind the scenes to help transform your close, intimate relationships to the level that you truly desire. You may not be consciously aware of what’s going on, however, slowly but surely things, events, and people in your life will be transforming along with you. The silver lining: since I know you like gadgets and fixing things, you get to treat yourself to a new transformer…alright…I tried…
Cancer, on August 7th, transiting Venus (love and money) enters your sign and will be in your solar 1st house of self. This, I have to say is sounding really good for you, Cancer! Even if your natal Venus is not in Cancer, this transit is a way for you to feel at home, and with your loved ones. By the middle of August, Venus will be opposing Pluto creating an opportunity to make an even deeper connection…one on the soul level. Around this time it’s not uncommon for deep feelings to surface, especially ones you’ve been trying to shove under the rug. If they come up, deal with them once and for all so you don’t have to keep sweeping them away. I know this is sounding heavy, but it’s also giving you the opportunity to get the nurturing that you so desire in a relationship. Simon says, cuddle time!
Happy birthday, Leo!!! Don’t worry; I’ve requested a helicopter be sent to pick you up, as well as the red carpet to be rolled out. I wouldn’t do this for any other sign, but then again, you’re not just any other sign…you’re LEO! I know what you’re thinking…keep it coming, keep it coming! Alright, you’re lucky because I will! I know you like to think it’s all about you…and actually, it is! This month you have a lot happening in your solar 1st house of self. Not only is the Sun and the Karma asteroid activating this house, Mercury (communication) will be moving direct on August 8th and going back through this house for the second time. What does all this mean? It means…basically…there’s a party happening…and it’s happening for you! I will end with the infamous question, “Why is this night different from all other nights?”
Virgo, OK, here’s a quiz: what did we talk about last month? As detail oriented as you are, you should have this! But, in case you don’t know, I’m here to remind you because it’s still very pertinent to you! We discussed transiting Mercury (communication) and how it was/is in retrograde motion. However, on August 8th, it will begin to move direct and this is very important for you since it’s your ruling planet, and since it will be transiting through your solar 12th house of the subconscious. Hopefully you’ve taken the time to sort out and clear through all the “clutter” that’s been consuming your mind. While it was in retrograde, it was giving you the opportunity to go back and rethink many facets of your life. After August 8th, it’s time to move forward with confidence and put all your plans into action. Note: action for some may simply be the decision to shift your focus, or to tune into your inner voice/knowing. Either way, shift is happening, so why not make it work for you?
Libra, Mars (action) will be meeting up with Saturn (definition) around August 12-18th. With these planets being in your solar 1st house of self, this means that as much as you want to move forward, you may feel like something is pulling you back at the same time. Now, before you start to panic, let me explain why this is actually a good thing. Saturn asks us to get real and to really define what it is that we want, whereas Mars, the planet of action, is all about the word G-O! When these two planets meet up, it’s time to make sure that you are physically and emotionally on the same page. Are you actions (Mars) in alignment with what you want to build (Saturn)? Ask yourself this before you take a leap into the unknown. The Universe is not saying the answer is “no.” It’s simply asking you to be extra clear before you proceed. If it was up to me, I would thank the Universe for this; finally it’s that much needed 10 second delay on a text message…that we really wish we didn’t send…you know what I mean…
Scorpio, on August 23rd Mars (planet of action) moves from Libra into Scorpio. This is a big shift in the energies and will be happening in your solar 1st house of self. You may finally be more inclined to dig up the dirt, so to say, and make the changes that you’ve been wanting to for a while. As Mars is your co-ruler this will have a significant effect on you over time. As it moves through your solar 1st house, use this energy for your highest good. Use it to motivate and make those changes that you’ve been wanting to make. This transit is also great for physical activity. Time to start that yoga class, or join that new kickball league you’ve been thinking about. You never know, your soulmate could be waiting right there for you, too. Take a chance; you really have nothing to lose…except a couple pounds…which I’m sure you’re ok with anyway.
Sagittarius, there’s currently a double emphasis in your solar 9th house of philosophical beliefs, ideas, and knowledge. With the transiting Sun and Mercury both there, it’s about learning new information as well as getting your message out! The opposite house being the 3rd is how we get our information; whereas the 9th is about the information we present and bring out to the world. What is your message? Are you doing what you’re saying, and saying what you’re doing? On August 8th, Mercury (communication) turns direct and will be transiting back over the same territory that it recently visited. This means that it’s your second chance to go back and make it right…and since it will be doing so in Leo, I expect it to be nothing less than grand! Transiting Mercury in Leo is asking you to express yourself fully and do so creatively and with love. Leo rules the heart, and with the 9th house being activated, perhaps it’s time to finally speak out and from your heart…this is your second chance…Carpe diem!
Capricorn, on August 8th transiting Venus (love and money) will be moving into Cancer which happens to be your solar 7th house of one-to-one relationships. With transiting Venus there, all signs point to you taking that relationship to the next level. (No, I promise your mom did not pay me to write that…but I will call her if you don’t start shifting your focus from work to love). Ok fine, I won’t, but I highly recommend you think about it, at least for a little while…you may just blossom in more ways than one. Happy JDating® to you!
Aquarius, the transiting Sun is in your solar 7th house of one-to-one relationships, and it’s in Leo which is your opposite sign. What we seek in a partner is actually an aspect of us that we often have trouble integrating. Ironic enough though, the 7th house is also the house of enemies. Often times the ones we have trouble with are just there to show us an aspect of ourselves that we need to work on. Ok, I know you’re asking where is she going with all this information?? I’m heading to a land that most Aquarians don’t want to go to…that is the land of feelings. Take the time to notice which buttons other people are pushing in you, and how it makes you feel. Trust me; this will enable you to get your lessons at supersonic speed, and then you can focus on the future…where I know you all want to go.
Pisces, transiting Mars (action) will be making a conjunction to Saturn (definition) in your solar 8th house of intimacy. Just like your sign, the 8th house is a water house and rules emotions, especially those hidden below the surface. The focus this month is on clearly defining your boundaries before you merge with your other. Since you’re fluid and move with ease, just like water does, I already know how easy it is for you to want to be “one” with your partner. With that being said, it’s actually to your benefit that you take advantage of the higher octave of this Mars/Saturn conjunction. Don’t be surprised if you feel like you’re putting on the breaks right when you want to get started. Like all energy, this too shall pass. Just make sure you think things out while the energy of the conjunction is most active because by the end of August when mars moves into Scorpio, you will be feeling a whole other urge to merge…

I have always enjoyed your horoscope insights.
So just flipped over for one more peek before I take a break. Hopefully it’s a long break
Reading through several applicable horoscopes for me and others I know, I am shocked and amazed by the accuracy of these…WOW.
You truly have a gift, and I’m glad that you are honoring it
Peace & blessings,
Hi Amanda,
Thank you so much for your kind words, that means so much to me! Please feel free to follow me on facebook while you are on your break.
Danielle Paige (
Perhaps a Mazel Tov is in order??