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Found love on 100hookup?

Barb & Larry

Barb & Larry

Dear 100hookup,

Ah, another 100hookup success story from two people who went looking for love and found their besherts. Both of us were single for a long time; Larry, for 23 years and me, for 12 years. It's not that we had given up on finding love again; we had both just been disappointed many times in our quest. I had been on 100hookup for awhile and had met several nice men, but nothing had progressed beyond a few weeks. Larry, on the other hand, had only been on 100hookup for a couple of weeks at the urging of a co-worker (thanks, Roni!), when he responded to my profile.

Larry contacted me on February 14, 2003 (I guess he didn't have a Valentine that year) with a note that he had read my profile and was interested in what I wrote. I wrote him back because he seemed open and friendly and we started communicating via email. We decided to exchange phone numbers and started very long (3 hour) phone conversations. After about 10 days, during one of our conversations, I told him that I was going to see Joan Baez in an outside venue in Scottsdale and he asked if he could buy the tickets so he could go with me. I said "yes," so he got the tickets. The day before the concert, Larry emailed me and suggested we "meet and break the ice" that evening, so we agreed to meet at the Barnes and Noble bookstore near my neighborhood. At 8 o'clock that night we met. He had a big smile on his face and gave me a big kiss on the cheek! We ended up staying at the bookstore, drinking coffee and talking until we were asked to leave because the store was closing. Needless to say, our "first" date at the concert was wonderful.

A few months later, I took him to my nephew's Bar Mitzvah, where he met the whole mishpocha all at once! He fit in, joining in the family puns and games and they readily accepted him. I have to say that I would have been a nervous wreck if I knew that I was meeting so many new people and they were scrutinizing my intentions with their family member, but Larry charmed everyone of them and at the end of the trip, he was treated as if he was one of the family.

Barb & Larry

We dated for two years, and in May 2005, with our immediate family members in attendance, we were married. What a wonderful day! We have been married for four years now and I have to say that it has been very nice having someone to share life's small and big happenings. We have a lot of interests in common and we both feel so fortunate that we found each other at this stage of our lives.

Oh, by the way, 100hookup has played a big part in our family's life. Both my daughter and her husband and my niece and her husband (Abby and Dan) met on 100hookup. People are amazed with our family's success with the website. I always recommend it to people because it worked for us.

Thanks for changing our lives, 100hookup.

Barb & Larry
Phoenix, Arizona

Found love on 100hookup?
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