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Clear Your Cache & Cookies
AOL (version 8.0)

Follow the steps below to clear your internet cache and your browser cookies. You can also click on the images to see a larger view.


Step 1

Click on the "Settings Tab" then choose "Preferences" from the drop down list.

click for larger view

Step 2

Select the link on the lower right called "Internet Properties WWW."

Step 3

Now, click on the "Delete Files" button...

Step 4

...then click in the white box next to "Delete all offline content," then click "OK".

Step 5

Now click on the "Settings" button. At the top of the page verify that your settings read "Automatically," then click on the "View Files" at the bottom of the page.

click for larger view

Step 6

Click on "Edit" at the upper left, then choose "Select All" from the drop down menu.

click for larger view

Step 7

Make sure that all the files are selected, then press the delete key from your keyboard or click on the "delete button" from the tool bar at the top of the window.

click for larger view

Step 8

When you are asked, "Are you sure you want to delete the selected Cookie(s)?," click "Yes."

click for larger view

Step 9

Confirm that all the files are deleted. Close this window and click "OK" on all subsequent windows.

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How do I clear my cache and cookies on Netscape?
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