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Clear Your Cache & Cookies
Netscape Navigator (version 7.0)

Follow the steps below to clear your internet cache and your browser cookies. You can also click on the images to see a larger view.


Step 1

Click on the "Edit" tab at the top of your browser and choose "preferences" from the drop down menu.

click for larger view

Step 2

On the left side under the categories, open the sub category "Privacy & Security" by clicking on the arrow head next to the topic.

click for larger view

Step 3

Choose "Cookies" and ensure that "Enable all cookies" is selected. Then click on the "Manage Stored Cookies" button on the right.

click for larger view

Step 4

In the new window, choose the "" cookie from the white box, then click the "Remove Cookie" button located on the lower left then click "OK."

click for larger view

Step 5

Open the "Advance" category then select "Cache" from the listings. Make sure you have the option "Once per session" chosen.

click for larger view

Step 6

Now, click the "Clear Memory Cache" button...

Step 7

...then click the button labled "Clear Disk Cache." Finally click the "OK" button.

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